3.2.33 MLME_StartReq_t Struct


typedef struct mlme_start_req_tag {
    /** This identifies the message as \ref MLME_START_REQUEST */
    enum msg_code cmdcode;
    /** The PAN identifier to be used by the device. */
    uint16_t PANId;
    /** The logical channel on which to start using the new superframe
    * configuration. */
    uint8_t LogicalChannel;
    /** The channel page on which to begin using the new superframe
    * configuration. */
    uint8_t ChannelPage;
    /** How often the beacon is to be transmitted. The beacon order, BO, and the
    * beacon interval, BI, are related as follows: for 0 d BO d 14, BI =
    * BaseSuperframeDuration * 2^BO symbols. If BO = 15, the coordinator will
    * not transmit a beacon, and the SuperframeOrder parameter value is
    * ignored. */
    uint8_t BeaconOrder;
    /** The length of the active portion of the superframe, including the beacon
    * frame. The superframe order, SO, and the superframe duration, SD, are
    * related as follows: for 0 d SO d BO d 14,
    * SD = aBaseSuperframeDuration * 2^SO symbols. If SO = 15,
    * the superframe will not be active after the beacon. */
    uint8_t SuperframeOrder;
    /** If this value is TRUE, the device will become the PAN coordinator of a
    * new PAN. If this value is FALSE, the device will begin transmitting
    * beacons on the PAN with which it is associated. */
    uint8_t PANCoordinator;
    /** If this value is TRUE, the receiver of the beaconing device is disabled
    * macBattLifeExtPeriods full backoff periods after the interframe spacing
    * (IFS) period of the beacon frame. If this value is FALSE, the receiver of
    * the beaconing device remains enabled for the entire CAP. */
    uint8_t BatteryLifeExtension;
    /** TRUE if a coordinator realignment command is to be transmitted prior to
    * changing the superframe configuration or FALSE otherwise. */
    uint8_t CoordRealignment;
} MLME_StartReq_t;


MLME_StartReq_t holds the MLME-START.request message structure



