3.2.32 MLME_CommStatusInd_t Struct


typedef struct mlme_comm_status_ind_tag {
    /** This identifies the message as \ref MLME_COMM_STATUS_INDICATION */
    enum msg_code cmdcode;
    /** The 16 bit PAN identifier of the device from which the frame was
    * received or to which the frame was being sent. */
    uint16_t PANId;
    /** The source addressing mode for this primitive. This value can take one
    * of the following values: 0 = no address (addressing fields omitted).
    * 0 x 01 = reserved. 0 x 02 = 16 bit short address. 0 x 03 = 64 bit
    * extended address. */
    uint8_t SrcAddrMode;
    /** The source addressing mode for this primitive. This value can take one
    * of the following values: 0 = no address (addressing fields omitted).
    * 0 x 01 = reserved. 0 x 02 = 16 bit short address. 0 x 03 = 64 bit
    * extended address. */
    uint64_t SrcAddr;
    /** The destination addressing mode for this primitive. This value can take
    * one of the following values: 0 x 00 = no address (addressing fields
    * omitted). 0 x 01 = reserved. 0 x 02 = 16 bit short address.
    * 0 x 03 = 64 bit extended address. */
    uint8_t DstAddrMode;
    /** The individual device address of the device for which the frame was
    * intended. */
    uint64_t DstAddr;
    /** The communications status. */
    uint8_t status;
} MLME_CommStatusInd_t;


MLME_CommStatusInd_t holds the MLME-COMM-STATUS.indication message structure



