2.7 2020 - January

START Configurator (ver 1.7)

New Features

  • If external pad is selected as input clock, code is now generated with the frequency added by the user. An issue with the current release is that the frequency is displayed as 0 in the clock view, but the generated code have the correct frequency.

  • The version section in the Help view now displays version for AVR and SAM separately

Bug Fixes

  • Pinmux is reset correctly when pin mode is changed a second time.

  • In some cases START fails to add 2 or more instances of a driver even if allowed. A message is now displayed suggesting adding instances one by one.

Know issues

  • External frequency is displayed as 0 on the clock view, but correctly generated in the code

QTouch Configurator Updates 7.1

  • ATSAME5x and SAMD5x PTC clock was displayed incorrectly. That is fixed.
  • Frequency Hop module is updated to support 256 channel. The issue related to "Frequency Hop module may not work as intended" is solved.