QTouch SAM D10 Xplained Mini Selfcap Example (SAM D10)
QTouch SAM D11 Xplained Mini Selfcap Example (SAM D11)
ADC Event System (SAM L21)
Getting Started with the tinyAVR (ATtiny817)
Update of QTouch library and configurator (v 2.0)
Support for SAM D10, SAM D11, ATtiny814/816/817/1616/1617 and ATmega324PB/328PB
Slider and wheel support
Frequency hop without auto tune support
Drivenshield without dedicated pin support
Data Visualizer - UART interface pin configuration support
Graphical user interface for Configurable Custom Logic (CCL) with support for
SAM L21, ATtiny417, ATtiny814/816/817/1616/1617 and ATtiny321x.
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.