2.25 2018 - August 30th
START Configurator
QTouch Improvements
- Displaying notification for Tiny Devices in GUI about the UART for Data Visualizer from START will work only if the main oscillator fuse is set to 20MHZ
- For Mega devices, Global interrupt is enabled by default
- If ‘ChargeShareDelay’ Autotune is selected in GUI, then for all CSD supported devices, the default value of CSD is set to 20
- Enabled editing of 'Threshold' column in channel table view
START Content
New devices
New drivers
- Added Tamper detection feature support to Calendar Driver for SAML22 & SAMD5x/E5x Family
- Added RWWEE memory read and write APIs for SAMC20/C21/D21/L21/L22/R30/DA1/HA1 devices
- CMCC (Cortex-M Cache Controller) System driver support is added for SAMD5x/E5x device Family
QTouch Library
QTouch support is extended for the following device variants:
- DV dependency on Fuse settings for Tiny devices.
New boards
- ATmega4808 AVR IoT WG
New examples
- AVR IoT WG Sensor Node (ATmega4808 AVR IoT WG)
- AVR IoT WG Sensor Node with Weather Click (ATmega4808 AVR IoT WG)
- AVR IoT WG Sensor Node with Air Quality Click (ATmega4808 AVR IoT WG)
- IoT Sensor Node Xplained Pro Demo (ATmega4809 Xplained Pro)
- Updated user info in the baud rate configuration of USART driver in Start user interface
- Added new apis for SPI custom chip select middleware
Bug fixes
- Fix ADC mux negative input configuration for getting started sensor example for SAML21
- Fix DMA M2M middleware for SAME54
- Fix flash block erase size issue in SAM E5x/D5x flash erase function
- Fix Keil Build error regarding PPUKCL_FUNC definition
- Fix multiple definition handler issue available in all flexcomm drivers (USART, SPI, TWI)
- HAL Transmission complete callback is moved in to HPL DATA transmission complete interrupt routine for SPI Async driver