2.16 2019 - February 22nd
START Content
New devices
- ATmega809
New examples
- Added SPI Slave DMA example in START for SAME54
Improved examples
- AVR IoT WG Sensor Node
- Extended start-up button detection between LED cycle periods (~2 Sec)
- Button Debounce period now require being held for half-start up time
- SW0 held will result in Soft AP Mode
- Blinking BLUE LED added to aid in mode change indication
- SW0 + SW1 held will result in the use of DEFAULT WiFi credentials
- These are: ssid: MCHP.IOT, pass: microchip, authType: 2 (WPA)
- Blinking GREEN LED added to aid in mode change indication
RED LED Flash used to indicate 1st received MQTT Subscribe acknowledgment removed.
YELLOW LED HOLD period added to indicate state of Toggle sent within
Publish packet sent over the subscribed topic.
Removed CREDENTIAL storage within Flash memory.
WINC will store CREDENTIALS of last successful CONNECTION.
Removed application push button features as they were not required and caused confusion.
Command Line Interface updated to accept authorization parameters in unique order to improve experience
Updated SoftAP name to be MCHP.IOT.ACCESSPOINT
- Added support of SPI mode configuration for USART peripheral for SAM E70/S70/V70/V71/G51/G53/G54. Now SPI driver can use USART peripheral for SPI communication
Bug fixes
- Fixed compilation warning when using calendar driver for SAML22/Dx/E5x devices
- Fixed configurable number of CC channels in TCC for all SAM devices
- Fixed CTRL register write macro with correct standby position in CCL driver for SAM L10/L11/L21 devices
- Fixed RTC clock calibration overwriting issue for SAM D10 device
- Fixed SPI peripheral max frequency to 18MHz for SAM D5x/E5x devices