Added Low power weather
station demo for SAML11 xplained pro
Added Low power sleep walking
demo for SAML10 xplained pro
Added Low power sleep walking
demo for SAML11 xplained pro
Added Trusted execution
environment demo example for SAML11 device. This Demo consists of 3
projects(1 Secure and 2 Non-secure projects)
Added EBI SDRAMC example for
SAME70 Xplained board
Added RWW read write example
for SAMC21/L21/DA1 devices
Improved examples
AVR IoT WG Sensor Node
Updated SD/MMC stack and
Updated USB Host initialization function
Updated user page functions for SAME5x/D5x to support 512 bytes W/R.
Updated SAML10 XPlained Pro board user guide link in SAML10 example user
Updated USART driver to support max baudrate of 6.25MHz for SAMD5x/E5x
Changed DMA descriptor scope to global Cortex M0+ and M4 devices
Changed the macro NVMCTRL_TEMP_LOG_W0 to NVMCTRL_TEMP_LOG in TSENS example
for E5x/D5x devices
Updated the application note link in SAML10 weather station example
Updated text description of pull-up and pull-down modes in the
gpio_set_pin_pull_mode api
Bug fixes
Fixed issue in MCAN HPL Async
Read function
Fixed USB Device Composite example code generation issue when DEMO FOR LUN2
and DEMO FOR LUN3 is enabled under MSC support
Fixed I2C Master not sending stop conditions and clocking extra clocks in
Fixed the issue with ATSAMC21J15A being not listed in Atmel Start
Fixed issue with SVCall_Handler in RTOS demo example for SAME54
Fixed ADC_init api signature in adc async driver for ultra devices
Know issues
WINC1500 examples for SAMG55 and SAMG53 are not working.
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.