2.8 2019 - November 30
QTouch Configurator Updates 7.0
New Features
- The clock-change warning message, which appears when a new sensor is added, now lists the changes which happen in the background when the user selects Yes.
- A warning in the notification tab is added, if the user selects No in the clock-change warning message. This warning message has a link that describes the procedure for manual configuration
- Graphical representation of the input clock, available prescaler values, and PTC clock frequencies are displayed in the parameter tab.
- The maximum configured PTC frequency is displayed on the summary page.
QTouch Library Updates 7.0
New Features
- The minimum and maximum PTC clock frequency details are added.
- Updated the prescaler values in api.h files to include the internal prescaler division factor. For example, in ATtiny3217, the prescaler values from 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 are updated to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 (to include a fixed internal division factor of 2). Similarly, all prescaler values are updated for all other devices
Bug Fixes
- Acquisition Library is updated for ATtiny161x and ATtiny321x to use internal driver instead of pad driver. This is to fix the noise issue that occurs on the Rev C 3217 device and PORTC pins.
- Issue fix for IAR Project
non-Compilation in ATTiny3217. There is change only in the compiler version
and the module version is not updated. The following modules are updated for
ATtiny81x, ATtiny161x, and ATtiny321x:
- Acquisition
- Binding layer
- Frequency hop
- Frequency hop autotune
- Scroller
- Key
- Surface
- Gesture
Know issues
- ATSAME5x and ATSAMD5x input clock for PTC is displayed as 48 MHz even after the user selects Yes for automatic clock setting. This issue is due to the clock not being properly updated on the clocks page. The workaround is to click on the clock configurator after adding all the sensors and before downloading the project.
- Frequency Hop module may not work as intended for GCC/IAR. It is recommended to use Frequency Hop autotune instead.
- The ‘atstart file’ generated before START QTouch 7.0 release will not be directly compatible and hence, return a warning.
AVR Content
New devices
- AVRDA Device
AVR128DA28, AVR128DA32, AVR128DA48, AVR128DA64
New Board
AVR128DA48 Curiosity Nano
New Examples
Single variable Date and TimeSingle variable Time
Multi variable Date and Time
Multi variable Time