2.6.5 General Data processing instructions

The following table shows the data processing instructions.

Table 2-27. Data Processing Instructions
MnemonicBrief DescriptionSee
ADCAdd with Carry2.6.5.1 ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB
ADDAdd2.6.5.1 ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB
ADDWAdd2.6.5.1 ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB
ANDLogical AND2.6.5.2 AND, ORR, EOR, BIC, and ORN
ASRArithmetic Shift Right2.6.5.3 ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX
BICBit Clear2.6.5.2 AND, ORR, EOR, BIC, and ORN
CLZCount leading zeros2.6.5.4 CLZ
CMNCompare Negative2.6.5.5 CMP and CMN
CMPCompare2.6.5.5 CMP and CMN
EORExclusive OR2.6.5.2 AND, ORR, EOR, BIC, and ORN
LSLLogical Shift Left2.6.5.3 ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX
LSRLogical Shift Right2.6.5.3 ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX
MOVMove2.6.5.6 MOV and MVN
MOVTMove Top2.6.5.7 MOVT
MOVWMove 16-bit constant2.6.5.6 MOV and MVN
MVNMove NOT2.6.5.6 MOV and MVN
ORNLogical OR NOT2.6.5.2 AND, ORR, EOR, BIC, and ORN
ORRLogical OR2.6.5.2 AND, ORR, EOR, BIC, and ORN
RBITReverse Bits2.6.5.8 REV, REV16, REVSH, and RBIT
REVReverse byte order in a word2.6.5.8 REV, REV16, REVSH, and RBIT
REV16Reverse byte order in each halfword2.6.5.8 REV, REV16, REVSH, and RBIT
REVSHReverse byte order in bottom halfword and sign extend2.6.5.8 REV, REV16, REVSH, and RBIT
RORRotate Right2.6.5.3 ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX
RRXRotate Right with Extend2.6.5.3 ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX
RSBReverse Subtract2.6.5.1 ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB
SBCSubtract with Carry2.6.5.1 ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB
SUBSubtract2.6.5.1 ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB
SUBWSubtract2.6.5.1 ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, and RSB
TEQTest Equivalence2.6.5.9 TST and TEQ
TSTTest2.6.5.9 TST and TEQ