2.6.9 Branch and Control Instructions

The following table lists the branch and control instructions:

Table 2-30. Branch and Control Instructions
MnemonicBrief descriptionSee
BBranch2.6.9.1 B, BL, BX, and BLX
BLBranch with Link2.6.9.1 B, BL, BX, and BLX
BLXBranch indirect with Link2.6.9.1 B, BL, BX, and BLX
BXBranch indirect2.6.9.1 B, BL, BX, and BLX
CBNZCompare and Branch if Non Zero2.6.9.2 CBZ and CBNZ
CBZCompare and Branch if Zero2.6.9.2 CBZ and CBNZ
ITIf-Then2.6.9.3 IT
TBBTable Branch Byte2.6.9.4 TBB and TBH
TBHTable Branch Halfword2.6.9.4 TBB and TBH