2.6.8 Bitfield instructions

The following table shows the instructions that operate on adjacent sets of bits in registers or bitfields:

Table 2-29. Packing and Unpacking Instructions
MnemonicBrief descriptionSee
BFCBit Field Clear2.6.8.1 BFC and BFI
BFIBit Field Insert2.6.8.1 BFC and BFI
SBFXSigned Bit Field Extract2.6.8.2 SBFX and UBFX
SXTBSign extend a byte2.6.8.3 SXT and UXT
SXTHSign extend a halfword2.6.8.3 SXT and UXT
UBFXUnsigned Bit Field Extract2.6.8.2 SBFX and UBFX
UXTBZero extend a byte2.6.8.3 SXT and UXT
UXTHZero extend a halfword2.6.8.3 SXT and UXT