2.6.6 Multiply and Divide Instructions

The following table shows the multiply and divide instructions:

Table 2-28. Multiply and Divide Instructions
MnemonicBrief DescriptionSee
MLAMultiply with Accumulate, 32-bit result2.6.6.1 MUL, MLA, and MLS
MLSMultiply and Subtract, 32-bit result2.6.6.1 MUL, MLA, and MLS
MULMultiply, 32-bit result2.6.6.1 MUL, MLA, and MLS
SDIVSigned Divide2.6.6.3 SDIV and UDIV
SMLALSigned Multiply with Accumulate (32x32+64), 64-bit result2.6.6.3 SDIV and UDIV
SMULLSigned Multiply (32x32), 64-bit result2.6.6.2 UMULL, UMLAL, SMULL, and SMLAL
UDIVUnsigned Divide2.6.6.3 SDIV and UDIV
UMLALUnsigned Multiply with Accumulate (32x32+64), 64-bit result2.6.6.2 UMULL, UMLAL, SMULL, and SMLAL
UMULLUnsigned Multiply (32x32), 64-bit result2.6.6.2 UMULL, UMLAL, SMULL, and SMLAL