2.6.10 Miscellaneous Instructions

The following table lists the remaining Cortex-M3 processor instructions:

Table 2-32. Miscellaneous Instructions
MnemonicBrief DescriptionSee
BKPTBreakpoint2.6.10.1 BKPT
CPSIDChange Processor State, Disable Interrupts2.6.10.2 CPS
CPSIEChange Processor State, Enable Interrupts2.6.10.2 CPS
DMBData Memory Barrier2.6.10.3 DMB
DSBData Synchronization Barrier2.6.10.4 DSB
ISBInstruction Synchronization Barrier2.6.10.5 ISB
MRSMove from special register to register2.6.10.6 MRS
MSRMove from register to special register2.6.10.7 MSR
NOPNo Operation2.6.10.8 NOP
SEVSend Event2.6.10.9 SEV
SVCSupervisor Call2.6.10.10 SVC
WFEWait For Event2.6.10.11 WFE
WFIWait For Interrupt2.6.10.12 WFI