23.9 SYSREG Control Registers for FIC_0 and FIC_1

For a detailed description of each register and bit, see 21 System Register Block. The following table lists the control registers for FIC_0 and FIC_1 from the SYSREG block.

Table 23-6. FAB_IF Register in the SYSREG Block
Register name Register Type Flash Write Protect Reset Source Description
21.5.21 Fabric Interface Control (FIC) Register RW-P Register SYSRESET_N Control register for fabric interface
21.5.19 Software Reset Control Register RW-P Bit SYSRESET_N Generates software control interrupts to the MSS peripherals
21.5.38 MSS DDR Fabric Alignment Clock Controller (FACC) Configuration Register 1 RW-P Field CC_SYSRESET_N MSS DDR fabric alignment clock controller 1 configuration register
21.5.87 MSS DDR Clock Calibration Status RO SYSRESET_N MSS DDR clock calibration status register