Data Transmit Operation

To receive data from the slave, the master does the following:

  1. Sends a POLL command and verifies that the slave is ready and can accept the data.
  2. This is repeated until the slave indicates it is ready and can accept any associated command data (no RxBUSY).
  3. The master sends a read command and any associated data bytes (for example, a read address). On receiving the sequence, the slave stores the command byte and data in the receive FIFO. User logic examines the command and data bytes and puts the requested data in the transmit FIFO. As soon as it has written PKTSIZE bytes to the transmit FIFO, the TxBUSY status bit in the Table 13-24 register is cleared.
  4. The master starts polling the device until the TxBUSY bit is cleared, indicating that the data is available.
  5. The master now sends a read command followed by data words. The slave returns the contents of the Table 13-24 register and required data words.