10.9.1 Features

CoreMACFilter supports the following:

  • Provides an Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) interface for control and status register access
  • Supports UCAD, MCAD, and broadcast type of packets
  • Supports hash based address filtering for UCAD and MCAD packets
  • Provides mechanism to the upper layer to reject or accept the frames

The following figure shows the CoreMACFilter interaction with MSS MAC and GMII Ethernet PHY.

Figure 10-13. CoreMACFilter Interaction with MSS MAC and GMII Ethernet PHY

The following figure shows CoreMACFilter interaction with MSS MAC and SGMII Ethernet PHY.

Figure 10-14. CoreMACFilter Interaction with MSS MAC and SGMII Ethernet PHY

For more information on CoreMACFilter, see CoreMACFilter Handbook.