MPU Region Base Address Register

The MPU_RBAR defines the base address of the MPU region selected by the MPU_RNR, and can update the value of the MPU_RNR. See the register summary in Table 2-71 for its attributes.

Write MPU_RBAR with the VALID bit set to 1 to change the current region number and update the MPU_RNR. The bit assignments are:

Figure 2-48. MPU_RBAR Bit Assignments
Table 2-75. MPU_RBAR Bit Assignments
Bits Name Function
[31:N] ADDR Region base address field. The value of N depends on the region size. For more information see ADDR Field.
[(N-1):5] Reserved.
[4] VALID MPU Region Number valid bit:


0 = MPU_RNR not changed, and the processor:

updates the base address for the region specified in the MPU_RNR

ignores the value of the REGION field

1 = the processor:

updates the value of the MPU_RNR to the value of the REGION field

updates the base address for the region specified in the REGION field.

Always reads as zero.

[3:0] REGION MPU region field:

For the behavior on writes, see the description of the VALID field.

On reads, returns the current region number, as specified by the MPU_RNR.