MPU Region Attribute and Size Register

The MPU_RASR defines the region size and memory attributes of the MPU region specified by the MPU_RNR, and enables that region and any subregions. See the register summary in Table 2-71 for its attributes.

MPU_RASR is accessible using word or halfword accesses:

  • the most significant halfword holds the region attributes
  • the least significant halfword holds the region size and the region and subregion enable bits.

The bit assignments are:

Figure 2-49. MPU_RASR Bit Assignments
Table 2-76. MPU_RASR Bit Assignments
Bits Name Function
[31:29] Reserved.
[28] XN Instruction access disable bit:

0: instruction fetches enabled

1: instruction fetches disabled.

[27] Reserved.
[26:24] AP Access permission field, see Table 2-80.
[23:22] Reserved.
[21:19, 17, 16] TEX, C, B Memory access attributes, see Table 2-78.
[18] S Shareable bit, see Table 2-78.
[15:8] SRD Subregion disable bits. For each bit in this field:

0: corresponding sub-region is enabled

1: corresponding sub-region is disabled

See Subregions for more information.

Region sizes of 128 bytes and less do not support subregions. When writing the attributes for such a region, write the SRD field as 0x00.

[7:6] Reserved.
[5:1] SIZE Specifies the size of the MPU protection region. The minimum permitted value is 3 (b00010), see See SIZE Field Values for more information.
[0] ENABLE Region enable bit.

For information about access permission, refer to MPU Access Permission Attributes.