MPU Type Register

The MPU_TYPE register indicates whether the MPU is present, and if so, how many regions it supports. See the register summary in Table 2-71 for its attributes. The bit assignments are:

Figure 2-45. MPU_TYPE Register Bit Assignments
Table 2-72. MPU_TYPE Register Bit Assignments
Bits Name Function
[31:24] Reserved.
[23:16] IREGION Indicates the number of supported MPU instruction regions.

Always contains 0x00. The MPU memory map is unified and is described by the DREGION field.

[15:8] DREGION Indicates the number of supported MPU data regions:

0x08=Eight MPU regions.

[7:0] Reserved.
[0] SEPARATE Indicates support for unified or separate instruction and date memory maps:

0: unified