Updating an MPU Region

To update the attributes for an MPU region, update the MPU_RNR, MPU_RBAR and MPU_RASR registers. You can program each register separately, or use a multiple-word write to program all of these registers. You can use the MPU_RBAR and MPU_RASR aliases to program up to four regions simultaneously using an STM instruction.

Updating an MPU region using separate words

Simple code to configure one region:

; R1 = region number
; R2 = size/enable
; R3 = attributes
; R4 = address
LDR R0,=MPU_RNR     ; 0xE000ED98, MPU region number register
STR R1, [R0, #0x0]  ; Region Number
STR R4, [R0, #0x4]  ; Region Base Address
STRH R2, [R0, #0x8]     ; Region Size and Enable
STRH R3, [R0, #0xA]     ; Region Attribute

Disable a region before writing new region settings to the MPU if you have previously enabled the region being changed. For example:

; R1 = region number
; R2 = size/enable
; R3 = attributes
; R4 = address
LDR R0,=MPU_RNR           ; 0xE000ED98, MPU region number register
STR R1, [R0, #0x0]        ; Region Number
BIC R2, R2, #1            ; Disable
STRH R2, [R0, #0x8]       ; Region Size and Enable
STR R4, [R0, #0x4]        ; Region Base Address
STRH R3, [R0, #0xA]       ; Region Attribute
ORR R2, #1                ; Enable
STRH R2, [R0, #0x8]       ; Region Size and Enable

Software must use memory barrier instructions:

  • before MPU setup if there might be outstanding memory transfers, such as buffered writes, that might be affected by the change in MPU settings
  • after MPU setup if it includes memory transfers that must use the new MPU settings.

However, memory barrier instructions are not required if the MPU setup process starts by entering an exception handler, or is followed by an exception return, because the exception entry and exception return mechanism cause memory barrier behavior.

Software does not need any memory barrier instructions during MPU setup, because it accesses the MPU through the PPB, which is a Strongly-Ordered memory region.

For example, if you want all of the memory access behavior to take effect immediately after the programming sequence, use a DSB instruction and an ISB instruction. A DSB is required after changing MPU settings, such as at the end of context switch. An ISB is required if the code that programs the MPU region or regions is entered using a branch or call. If the programming sequence is entered using a return from exception, or by taking an exception, then you do not require an ISB.

Updating an MPU region using multi-word writes

You can program directly using multi-word writes, depending on how the information is divided. Consider the following reprogramming:

; R1 = region number
; R2 = address
; R3 = size, attributes in one
LDR R0, =MPU_RNR    ; 0xE000ED98, MPU region number register
STR R1, [R0, #0x0]  ; Region Number
STR R2, [R0, #0x4]  ; Region Base Address
STR R3, [R0, #0x8]  ; Region Attribute, Size and Enable

You can do this in two words for pre-packed information. This means that the MPU_RBAR contains the required region number and had the VALID bit set to 1, see MPU Region Base Address Register. Use this when the data is statically packed, for example in a boot loader:

; R1 = address and region number in one
; R2 = size and attributes in one
LDR R0, =MPU_MPU_RBAR   ; 0xE000ED9C, MPU Region Base register
STR R1, [R0, #0x0]  ; Region base address and 
                    ; region number combined with VALID (bit 4) set to 1
STR R2, [R0, #0x4]  ; Region Attribute, Size and Enable