38.7.5 RAM Watchdog

This register is write-restricted and writable only if both CCCR.CCE bit (CCCR <1>) and CCCR.INIT bit (CCCR <0>) are set.

The RAM Watchdog monitors the READY output of the Message RAM. A Message RAM access via the CAN’s AHB Host Interface starts the Message RAM Watchdog Counter with the value configured by WDC bits (RWD <7:0>). The counter is reloaded with WDC bits (RWD <7:0>) when the Message RAM signals successful completion by activating its READY output. In case there is no response from the Message RAM until the counter has counted down to zero, the counter stops and interrupt IR.WDI bit (IR<26>) is set.

Table 38-22. Register Bit Attribute Legend
RReadable bitHCCleared by Hardware(Grey cell)Unimplemented
WWritable bitHSSet by HardwareXBit is unknown at Reset
KWrite to clearSSoftware settable bit
Name: RWD
Offset: 0x14
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Write-restricted

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 15:8 – WDV[7:0] Watchdog Value

Actual Message RAM Watchdog Counter Value.

Bits 7:0 – WDC[7:0] Watchdog Configuration

Start value of the Message RAM Watchdog Counter. With the reset value of 0x00 the counter is disabled.