21.3.86 set_device
(Ask a Question)Description
This Tcl command sets your device family, die, and package in the Project Manager. This command generates set_device.log file that contains information of device details. The file is saved in the <project_name>/tooldata folder.
set_device [-family "family" ] [-die "die" ] [-die_voltage "value" ] \
[-part_range "part_range" ] [-package "package" ] \
[-speed "speed_grade" ] [-adv_options "value" ]
Parameter | Type | Description |
family | string | Sets device family. If you have already set device name, you cannot change the device family name for the current project, you can change the rest of the arguments. |
die | string | Sets device die. It is optional. |
die_voltage | floating point | Sets the die voltage for your project. Possible values depend on your device. See your device datasheet for details. |
part_range | string | Sets your default temperature range for your project
package | string | Sets device package. It is optional. |
speed | string | Sets device speed grade. Valid value is: -1 and STD. It is optional. |
adv_options | string | Sets your advanced options, such as temperature and voltage
You can pass custom specific temperature ranges depending on the selected part range.
The value parameter needs minimum, typical and maximum temperatures values to be added. The following table denotes the minimum, typical and maximum temperatures that are preset by the tool. You can set any value for the temperatures present within the range.
Part Range | Minimum | Typical | Maximum |
EXT | 0 | 25 | 100 |
COM (Available only for SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2 devices) | 0 | 25 | 85 |
IND | - 40 | 25 | 100 |
MIL | - 55 | 25 | 125 |
Error Codes
Error Code | Description |
None | Unable to select speed 'ALL'. The speed value must be one of the following: '-1 STD'. |
None | Unable to select family 'value'. The family value must be one of the following: 'IGLOO 2, SmartFusion 2, RTG4, PolarFire, PolarFireSoC' . |
None | Unable to select die 'MPF0T'. The die value must be one of the following: 'MPF300T_ES MPF300TS_ES MPF050T MPF050TS MPF100T MPF100TS MPF200T MPF200TS MPF300T MPF300TS MPF500T MPF500TS MPF300XT MPF050TL MPF100TL MPF200TL MPF300TL MPF500TL MPF050TLS MPF100TLS MPF200TLS MPF300TLS MPF500TLS RTPF500T RTPF500TL RTPF500TS RTPF500TLS' . |
None | Invalid value "TGrade2" for PART_RANGE variable; expected one of COM IND. |
None | Invalid value "MIL" for VCCI_1.2_VOLTR variable; expected one of COM IND. |
None | No family was specified. Select a family before proceeding. |
None | Parameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'set_device [-family "family"] [-die "die"] [-package "package"] [-speed "speed"] [-die_voltage "die_voltage"] [-part_range "part_range"] [-adv_options "adv_options"]*. |
Supported Families
Supported Families |
PolarFire® |
RTG4™ |
SmartFusion® 2 |
IGLOO® 2 |
The following command sets SmartFusion 2 family with M25005 die, 484 FBGA package, {-1} speed, IND part range, temperature and voltage settings to your device.
set_device -family {SmartFusion 2} \
-die {M2S005} \
-package {484 FBGA} \
-speed {-1} \
-die_voltage {1.2} \
-part_range {IND} \
-adv_options {IO_DEFT_STD:LVCMOS 2.5V} \
-adv_options {VCCI_2.5_VOLTR:COM} \
-adv_options {VCCI_3.3_VOLTR:COM} \
-adv_options {VOLTR:IND}
The following commands sets RTG4 family with RTG4150_ES die, 1657_CG package, {STD} speed, MIL part range, and custom temperature range set at a minimum = 0, typical = 25, and maximum = 70.
set_device -family {RTG4} -die {RTG4150_ES} -package {1657_CG} -speed {STD} -die_voltage {1.2} -part_range {MIL} -adv_options {TEMPR:0 25 70}
The following commands sets PolarFire family with MPF200T die, FCG784 package, {-1} speed, EXT part range, and custom temperature range set at a minimum = 0, typical = 25, and maximum = 70.
set_device -family {PolarFire} -die {MPF200T} -package {FCG784} -speed {-1} -part_range {EXT} -adv_options {TEMPR:0 25 70}