21.3.46 export_prog_job


This Tcl command configures the parameters for the FlashPro Express programming job to be exported.

Note: The Programming Mode (JTAG/SPI-Slave) setting from the Programming Connectivity and Interface tool will be exported in the job file.

RTG4 devices do not support the security options supported by SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2 devices.

The syntax for the export programming job Tcl command for SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2 is shown below:

export_prog_job \
-job_file_name {file} \
-export_dir {absolute or relative path} \
-bitstream_file_type {TRUSTED_FACILITY | MASTER | UEK1 | UEK2} \
-bitstream_file_components {SECURITY | FABRIC | ENVM} \
-include_plaintext_passkey {0 | 1} \
-design_bitstream_format {PPD | STP} \
-prog_optional_procedures \
{action1 | procedure1 | procedure2 ; action2 | procedure1 | procedure2 | procedure3;}

The syntax for the export programming job Tcl command for RTG4 is below:

export_prog_job \
-job_file_name {file} \
-export_dir {dir} \
-force_rtg4_otp {0 | 1} \
-design_bitstream_format {PPD | STP}

The syntax for the export programming job Tcl command for PolarFire is below:

export_prog_job \
-job_file_name {file} \
-export_dir {dir} \
-bitstream_file_type {TRUSTED_FACILITY | MASTER | UEK1 | UEK2} \
-bitstream_file_components {SECURITY | ENVM | FABRIC | SNVM | FABRIC_SNVM} \
-zeroization_likenew_action {0 | 1} \
-zeroization_unrecoverable_action {0 | 1} \
-program_design {0 | 1} \
-program_spi_flash {0 | 1} \
-include_plaintext_passkey {0 | 1} \
-design_bitstream_format {PPD | STP} \
-prog_optional_procedures \
{action1|procedure1|procedure2;action2|procedure1|procedure2|procedure3;} \
-skip_recommended_procedures \
{action1 | procedure1 | procedure2 ; action2 | procedure1 | procedure2 | procedure3;}


job_file_namestringThe name of the exported file. Name must start with design name. If omitted, design name will be used.
export_dirstringLocation where the job file will be saved; any folder can be specified (absolute or release path). The default folder is the Libero designer/<design_name>/export folder.
force_rtg4_otpbooleanEnforces the use of one-time programming (OTP). This argument is optional. Valid values are: TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false. The default value is 0.
bitstream_file_typestringBitstream file to be included in the programming job. Only one bitstream file can be included in a programming job. Possible values are: TRUSTED_FACILITY, MASTER, UEK1, UEK2 or UEK3. If omitted, type will be TRUSTED_FACILITY.
bitstream_file_componentslist of componentsThe list of components to be included in the programming job. Components should be delimited by space. bitstream_file_components can be any one of SECURITY, ENVM, FABRIC SNVM (only PolarFire) or FABRIC_SNVM (only PolarFire) any combination of them.
  1. The SECURITY option is available in -bitstream_file_components only when file type is MASTER in -bitstream_file_type.
  2. SNVM must always be programmed with FABRIC.
  3. Security-only programming must be performed only on erased or new devices. If performed on a device with fabric programmed, the fabric will be disabled after performing security-only programming. You must reprogram the fabric to re-enable it.
include_plaintext_passkeybooleanIncludes plaintext passkey. Valid values are: TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false. This argument is optional. Default is 0.
design_bitstream_formatstringSpecifies the bitstream file formats to be exported. Space is used as a delimiter. The value can be any one of PPD, STP. If omitted, the bitstream file will be in PPD format.
  • PPD will allow for improved programming times with FlashPro6 programmer.
  • Use STAPL for static algorithm and data from release to release.
prog_optional_proceduresstringSpecifies optional procedures to program. Format: action1 | procedure1 | procedure2; action2 | procedure1 | procedure2 | procedure3; Available actions and procedures depend on the selected bitstream components. Mandatory procedures are always included. See the section Configure Actions and Procedures for supported actions and procedures.
zeroization_likenew_actionbooleanSpecifies that all data will be erased and the device can be reprogrammed immediately. Valid values are TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false. Default is 0.
zeroization_unrecoverable_actionbooleanSpecifies that all data will be erased. The device cannot be reprogrammed and it must be scrapped. Valid values are TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false. Default is 0.
program_designbooleanSpecifies to program the design. This argument is optional. Valid values are TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false. Default is 1.
program_spi_flashbooleanSpecifies to program SPI Flash. Configure it before using. Use the Configure Design Initialization Data and Memories tool to configure it. This argument is optional. Valid values are TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false. Default is 0.
skip_recommended_proceduresstringSpecifies recommended procedures to skip. Format: action1 | procedure1 | procedure2; action2 | procedure1 | procedure2 | procedure3; See the section Configure Actions and Procedures for supported actions and procedures.
Return TypeDescription
integerReturns 0 on success, 1 on failure.

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
Nonebitstream_file_type: Invalid argument value: 'A' (expecting MASTER, UEK1, UEK2, UEK3 or TRUSTED_FACILITY).
Nonebitstream_file_components: Invalid argument value: 'A' (expecting SECURITY, FABRIC, SNVM, ENVM or FABRIC_SNVM).
NoneCustom security component is available for Master bitstream file only.

Supported Families

Supported Families
SmartFusion® 2


SmartFusion 2/IGLOO 2

The following example exported FlashPro Express programming job in X:\12.0_Release\g4_fftousram\designer\top\export\top file. Included MASTER Bitstream file with PPD format, SECURITY and FABRIC components, plaintext passkey and specified PROGRAM, DO_VERIFY; optional procedures to program:

export_prog_job \
-job_file_name {top} \
-export_dir {X:\12.0_Release\g4_fftousram\designer\top\export} \
-bitstream_file_type {MASTER} \
-bitstream_file_components {SECURITY FABRIC} \
-include_plaintext_passkey 1 \
-design_bitstream_format {PPD} \
-prog_optional_procedures {PROGRAM | DO_VERIFY;}


The following example exported FlashPro Express programming job in X:\12.0_Release\rtg4_ff_usram\designer\top\export\top file with PPD format and also enforces the use of one-time programming (OTP):

export_prog_job \
-job_file_name {top} \
-export_dir {X:\12.0_Release\rtg4_ff_usram\designer\top\export} \
-force_rtg4_otp 1 \
-design_bitstream_format {PPD}


The following example exported FlashPro Express programming job in X:\12.0_Release\pf_fftousram_ac_latch_launch\designer\fftousra\fftousram file. Included MASTER Bitstream file with PPD format, SECURITY, FABRIC and SNVM components, plaintext passkey and specified PROGRAM, DO_VERIFY; optional procedures to program, programs the design and device is not reprogrammed:

export_prog_job \
-job_file_name {fftousram} \
-export_dir {X:\12.0_Release\pf_fftousram_ac_latch_launch\designer\fftousram\export} \
-bitstream_file_type {MASTER} \
-bitstream_file_components {SECURITY FABRIC SNVM} \
-zeroization_likenew_action 0 \
-zeroization_unrecoverable_action 0 \
-program_design 1 \
-program_spi_flash 0 \
-include_plaintext_passkey 0 \
-design_bitstream_format {PPD} \
-prog_optional_procedures {PROGRAM | DO_VERIFY;} \
-skip_recommended_procedures {VERIFY_DIGEST | DO_ENABLE_FABRIC;}