49.25 SPI Electrical Specifications (PL0)

Figure 49-5. SERCOMx SPI Host Module CPHA = 0 Timing Diagrams
Figure 49-6. SERCOMx SPI Host Module CPHA = 1 Timing Diagrams
Table 49-33. SERCOMx SPI Module Host Mode Electrical Specifications (Performance Level 0 Mode) (1)
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDD = AVDD = 1.62V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
3VDD=3.3V, CLOAD=30pF(MAX)
MSP_3TSCLSCK Output Low Time1/(2*FSCK)ns
MSP_5TSCHSCK Output High Time1/(2*FSCK)ns
MSP_7TSCFSCK & MOSI Output Fall TimeDI_27nsDI_27: Refer to I/O Pin Electrical Specifications
MSP_9TSCRSCK & MOSI Output Rise TimeDI_25nsDI_25: Refer to I/O Pin Electrical Specifications
MSP_11TMOVMOSI Data Output Valid after SCK39.3nsVDD=3.3V, CLOAD=30pF(MAX)
MSP_13TMOHMOSI hold after SCK0ns
MSP_15TMISMISO Setup Time of Data Input to SCK0ns
MSP_17TMIHMISO Hold Time of Data Input to SCK153.2ns
MSP_19SPI_GCLKSERCOM SPI input clk freq, GCLK_SERCOMx_COREFCLK_23MHzFCLK_23: Refer to Maximum Clock Frequencies Electrical Specifications
  1. SPI I/O pins configured with drive strength enabled (PORT.PINCFGn.DRVSTR=1).
Figure 49-7. SERCOMx SPI Client Module (CPHA = 0) Timing Diagram
Figure 49-8. SERCOMx SPI Client Module (CPHA = 1) Timing Diagram
Table 49-34. SERCOMx SPI Module Client Mode Electrical Specifications (Performance Level 0 Mode) (1)
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDD = AVDD = 1.62V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
SSP_1FSCKSCK Frequency 3MHzVDD=1.8V, CLOAD=30pF(MAX)
3 VDD=3.3V, CLOAD=30pF(MAX)
SSP_3TSCLSCK Output Low Time1/(2*FSCK)ns
SSP_5TSCHSCK Output High Time1/(2*FSCK)ns
SSP_7TSCFSCK & MOSI Output Fall TimeDI_27nsDI_27: Refer to I/O Pin Electrical Specifications
SSP_9TSCRSCK & MOSI Output Rise TimeDI_25nsDI_25: Refer to I/O Pin Electrical Specifications
SSP_11TSOVMOSI Data Output Valid after SCK80.7nsVDD=3.3V, CLOAD=30pF(MAX)
SSP_13TSOHMOSI hold after SCK15.5ns
SSP_15TSISMISO Setup Time of Data Input to SCK40.5ns
SSP_17TSIHMISO Hold Time of Data Input to SCK5.4ns
SSP_19TSSSSS setup to SCK (CTRLB.PLOADEN=1) 2/fAPBx+32ns
SS setup to SCK (CTRLB.PLOADEN=0) 32
SSP_21TSSHSS hold after SCK Client 166.7ns
SSP_23fGCLK_SERCOMx_CORE SERCOM SPI input clk freq, GCLK_SPI FCLK_23MHzFCLK_23: Refer to Maximum Clock Frequencies Electrical Specifications
  1. The SPI I/O pins configured with drive strength enabled (PORT.PINCFGn.DRVSTR = 1).