49.33 USB Electrical Specifications

Table 49-46. USB Electrical Specifications
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDD = AVDD = 1.62V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
USB_1VUSBUSB Transceiver Voltage33.6V
VBUS Supply
USB_3VBUSHigh-power Port4.755.25V500 mA Load
USB_5Low-power Port4.45.25V100 mA Load
USB_7VILUSBInput Low Voltage for USB Buffer0.8V
USB_9VIHUSBInput High Voltage for USB Buffer2V
USB_11VDIFSDifferential Input Sensitivity0.2VThe difference between D+ and D- must exceed this value while VCM is met
USB_13VCMDifferential Common Mode Range0.82.5VVUSB = 3.0V-to-3.6V
USB_15ZOUTDriver Output Impedance2844
USB_17VOLUSBVoltage Output Low0.3V1.425 kΩ load connected to VUSB = 3.6V
USB_19VOHUSBVoltage Output High2.8V14.25 kΩ load connected to ground w/VUSB = 3.0V
USB_23USBCLKSUSB Clock Source (1)

fGCLK_USB of 48 MHz ± 0.25%

48MHzfGCLK_USB = 48 MHz ± 0.25%
USB_25USBAHBMin. AHB Clock for USB operations12MHz
  1. External Crystal or clock oscillator ≤ 50 ppm with FDPLL96M only for fGCLK_USB of 48 MHz ± 0.25%.
Table 49-47. USB Clocks Configuration
USB Clock configurationStandard Operating Conditions: VDD = AVDD = 1.62V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristics Device mode operationHost mode operation
DFLL48M Close loop, Ref. internal OSC sourceNoNo
DFLL48M Close loop, Ref. external XOSC sourceYesNo
DFLL48M Close loop, Ref. SOF

(USB recovery mode)

Yes (1)N/A
FDPLL96M internal OSCNoNo
FDPLL96M external OSC

(with FDPLL96M reference clock < 1MHz)

FDPLL96M external OSC

(with FDPLL96M reference clock >1MHz)

Yes (2)Yes
  1. When using DFLL48M in USB recovery mode, the Fine Step value must be 0x0A to guarantee a USB clock at +/-0.25% before 11ms after a resume. Only usable in LDO regulator mode.
  2. FDPLL96M lock time is short when the clock frequency source is high (> 1 MHz). Thus, FDPLL96M and external OSC can be stopped during USB suspend mode to reduce consumption and guarantee a USB resume signal time, refer to “USB specification” for additional information.