48.1 Revision History
Revision K - March 2025
Section | Description |
Ordering Information |
Electrical Characteristics at 85°C |
Electrical Characteristics at 105°C |
Electrical Characteristics at 125°C |
AEC-Q100 125°C Specifications |
Schematic Checklist |
Revision J - December 2024
Internal engineering updates. Non-public release.
Revision H - September 2021
Section | Description |
SYSCTRL | Removed erroneous text from the DFLLRDY bitfield of the PCLKSR Register. |
DMAC | Removed non-applicable text from Burst Transfer in DMA. |
TCC | Updated the number of TCC Instances in Overview. |
ADC | Updated the Equations in Prescaler for Single-Shot and Free-Running Modes. |
AC | Added a new paragraph to Overview for L-Variant devices. |
DAC | Updated Synchronization to reflect that no bits need synchronization. |
Electrical Characteristics at 85°C |
SAM DA1 Electrical Characteristics at 105°C | Updated the values in the BOD33 LEVEL Value table in BOD33. |
Appendix B | Updated Ordering Information with a new table reflecting all ISELED parts. |
Packaging Information | Updated the following packages with a new note: Added the following package: |
Revision G - April 2021
This revision includes the updates as listed in the following table, and numerous typographical corrections throughout the document.
Section | Description |
General | The SPI, I2S, and I2C standards use the
terminology "Master" and "Slave". The equivalent Microchip
terminology used in this document is "Host" and "Client"
respectively. These terms have been updated throughout this document for this revision. |
Features | Updated RWW to RWWEE for Memories |
Ordering Information | Updated RWW to RWWEE in the Device Variant description |
Pinout | Updated the following Pinouts to accurately display the RESET pin |
I/O Multiplexing |
Product Mapping | Updated RWW to RWWEE in the figure |
Memories |
Processor and Architecture |
Clock System | Updated Read Request with new verbiage for the READREQ.RCONT and READREQ.RREQ bits |
GCLK | Updated the GENDIV Register with a new Register property, and added a new column for the Maximum Division Factor to the table for the DIV bit. |
RTC | Updated the Overview with new verbiage for clock sources selectable through the GCLK. |
DMAC | |
EIC | Updated the EXTINTx bit of the INTENCLR register to read “disables the external interrupt.” |
I2S | Added new slotsize information to PDM Reception. |
TC | Updated the RCONT bit of the READREQ Register with new verbiage for clearing and reading the RREQ and RCONT bits. |
USB | Updated the SPEED Bitfield of the STATUS Register with the proper allocation of low-speed and full-speed mode. |
DAC | Updated the CTRLB Register with a new note for the REFSEL bitfield. |
Electrical Characteristics at 85°C |
Electrical Characteristics at 105°C |
Electrical Specifications at 125°C |
AEC-Q100 125°C Specifications |
SAM DA1 Electrical Characteristics |
Appendix B | Added a new Appendix for ISELED Specifications. |
Packaging | The following packages were updated with new drawings: |
Revision F - March 2020
This revision includes the updates as listed in the following table, and several typographical corrections throughout the document.
Section | Description |
Appendix A | Added a new appendix SIL 2 Enabled Functional Safety Devices |
Packaging Information | Added ‘35-ball WLCSP (Device variant D)’ |
DAC | |
Added information about internal 1.0V buffered reference voltage. Updated CALIB register description. |
SAM DA1 Electrical Characteristics | Updated I2C Pins Characteristics
in I2C Configuration in I2C Pins. Updated label for internal 1.1V Bandgap Reference Added information about internal 1.0V buffered reference voltage for ADC and DAC. |
SERCOM I2C | Updated the SYSOP bit of the SYNCBUSY Register with the removal of erroneous text |
SERCOM SPI | Updated DOPO description. |
EIC | Note added for CONFIGn registers. |
DMAC | Updatetd Sleep mode operation description. |
SYSCTRL | Removed reference to BOD12 registers. Added ENABLE bit in the VREG register. |
DSU | Related linked added in the DID register description. |
Revision E - January 2020
This revision encompasses changes made to combine the SAM D21 Data Sheet with the SAM DA1 Data Sheet to improve readability and information access.
Section | Description |
Block Diagram | Added arrow between PORT and AHB-APB BRIDGE B. |
Pinout | Updated section titles |
Product Mapping | Updated the diagram to show the Internal Flash. |
PORT I/O Pin Controller | Corrected the WRCONFIG register to show the DRVSTR bit. |
SERCOM | Under Clock Generation - Baud-Rate Generator, the table was updated with a new information and equations. |
Timer Counter (TC) |
USB | Updated cross references. |
ADC | Updated the MUXPOS Bit table in the INPUTCTRL register. |
AC |
SAM DA1 Electrical Characteristics | This section was migrated into this data sheet from the original SAM DA1 data sheet. |
Schematic Checklist | Updated External Reset Circuit with changes to the diagram External Reset Circuit Schematic. |
Packaging Information | Updated Package Markings with a new marking diagram. |
Rev D - 9/2018
Configuration Summary | Updated to Add new packages for device variant D. |
Product Mapping | Updated diagram. |
RTC | Updated READREQ register tables. |
DMAC | Updated Channel Control B Register tables. |
EVSYS – Event System |
DAC | Updated the Block Diagram to display ADC Input. |
Electrical Characteristics at 85°C |
Electrical Characteristics at 105°C | |
Electrical Characteristics at 125°C | |
AEC-Q100 Electrical Characteristics at 125°C | |
Packaging Information | Updated the WLSCP 45-Ball Package diagram. |
Rev. C – 06/2018
Features |
Ordering Information |
Electrical Characteristics |
Packaging Information |
Rev. B – 04/2018
General |
Electrical Characteristics |
AC |
Packaging Information |
Rev. A – 01/2017
General |
Electrical Characteristics |
Errata |
Electrical Characteristics at 125°C |