14.8.22 RF_CTRL_0

The register RF_CTRL_0 contains control settings to configure the transmit path.
Name: RF_CTRL_0
Offset: 0x16
Reset: 0x31
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/W----R/WR/W 
Reset 00110001 

Bits 7:6 – PA_LT[1:0] PA_LT

This bit control lead time of the PA (relative to first chip of TX data).

Table 14-96. PA_LT
Value Description
0x0 2μs
0x1 4μs
0x2 6μs
0x3 8μs

These register bits control the lead time of the PA enable signal relative to the TX data start. This allows to enable the PA 2, 4, 6, or 8μs before the transmit signal starts. The PA enable signal can also be output at differential pin pair DIG3/DIG4 to provide a control signal for an external RF front-end.

Bits 1:0 – GC_TX_OFFS[1:0] GC_TX_OFFS

The register bits GC_TX_OFFS control the TX power offset.

Table 14-94. GC_TX_OFFS
Value Description
0x0 Reserved
0x1 0dB
0x2 +1dB
0x3 +2dB

These register bits provide an offset between the TX power control word TX_PWR (register 0x05, PHY_TX_PWR) and the actual TX power. This 2-bit word is added to the TX power control word before it is applied to the circuit block which adjusts the TX power. It can be used to compensate differences of the average TX power depending of the modulation format.

Table 14-95. Mode-Dependent Setting of GC_TX_OFFS
GC_TX_OFFS 0x3 0x2

Exception for OQPSK-RC-{100,200,400}, see Table 14-54

Figure 14-66. Supply Currents for O-QPSK Modulation depending on TX Power Setting

The North American mapping table is optimized for lowest supply current. The more relaxed spectral side lobe requirements of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard are fulfilled.

The European mapping tables take into account that linearity is needed to keep the out-of-band spurious emissions below the ETSI requirements, refer to [6]. Regulatory requirements with respect to power density (depending on the frequency band used) are not considered, refer to [7].

The European mapping takes more supply current than the North American map and uses the normal (linearized) PA mode to provide medium output power up to 3dBm for OQPSK-SIN-RC-{100/200/400} modes and 6dBm for BPSK-20 mode.

The Chinese mapping uses the boost mode to provide higher TX power levels at the expense of higher supply current. As a result, the maximum TX power is 11dBm for OQPSK-RC-{250/500) modes.

Due to great regional distinctions of regulatory requirements, it is not possible to cover all restrictions in this datasheet. Manufactures must take the responsibility to check measurement results against the latest regulations of nations into which they market.