14.8.5 PHY_TX_PWR

The PHY_TX_PWR register controls the output power of the transmitter.
Offset: 0x05
Reset: 0x60
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 01100000 


The register bit PA_BOOST increases transmit gain by 5dB.

Value Description
0x0 PA boost mode is disabled
0x1 PA boost mode is enabled

This register bit enables the PA boost mode where the TX output power is increased by approximately 5dB when PA_BOOST = 1. In PA boost mode, the PA linearity is decreased compared to the normal mode when PA_BOOST = 0. This leads to higher spectral side lobes of the TX power spectrum and higher power of the harmonics. Consequently, the higher TX power settings do not fulfill the regulatory requirements of the European 868.3MHz band regarding spurious emissions in adjacent frequency bands (see ETSI EN 300 220-1, ERC/REC 70-03, and ERC/DEC/(01)04).

Bits 6:5 – GC_PA[1:0] GC_PA

The register bits GC_PA control the PA gain.

Value Description
0x0 -2.9dB
0x1 -1.3dB
0x2 -0.9dB
0x3 0dB

These register bits control the gain of the PA by changing its bias current. GC_PA needs to be set in TRX_OFF mode only. It can be used to reduce the supply current in TX mode when a reduced TX power is selected with the TX_PWR control word. A reduced PA bias current causes lower RF gain and lowers the 1dB compression point of the PA. Hence, it is advisable to use a reduced bias current of the PA only in combination with lower values of TX_PWR. A reasonable combination of register bits TX_PWR and GC_PA is shown in Table 14-54.

Bits 4:0 – TX_PWR[4:0] TX_PWR

The register bits TX_PWR determine the TX output power of the radio transceiver.

These register bits control the transmitter output power measured at pins RFP/RFN. The value of TX_PWR describes the power reduction relative to the maximum output power. The resolution is 1dB per step. Since TX_PWR adjusts the gain in the TX path prior to the PA, the PA bias setting is not optimal for increased values of TX_PWR regarding PA efficiency.

The PA power efficiency can be improved when PA bias is reduced (decreased GC_PA value) along with the TX power setting (increased TX_PWR value). A recommended combination of TX power control (TX_PWR), PA bias control (GC_PA), and PA boost mode (PA_BOOST) is listed in Table 9-15. It is a recommended mapping of intended TX power to the 8-bit word in register 0x05 (PHY_TX_PWR).

Table 14-54. Recommended Mapping of TX Power, Frequency Band, and PHY_TX_PWR (register 0x05).
PHY_TX_PWR (register 0x05)
TX Power [dBm]

915MHz North American Band

PHY Modes: BPSK-40 (GC_TX_OFFS=3), BPSK-40-ALT (GC_TX_OFFS=3), OQPSK-SIN-{250,500,1000} (GC_TX_OFFS=2)

868.3MHz European Band

PHY Modes: BPSK-20 (GC_TX_OFFS=3), OQPSK-SIN-RC-{100,200,400} (GC_TX_OFFS=2) OQPSK-RC-{100,200,400} (GC_TX_OFFS=3)

780MHz Chinese Band

PHY Modes: OQPSK-RC-{250,500,1000} (GC_TX_OFFS=2)

11 0xC0 0xA0 0xC1
10 0xC1 0x80 0xE3
9 0x80 0xE4 0xE4
8 0x82 0xE6 0xC5
7 0x83 0xE7 0xE7
6 0x84 0xE8 0xE8
5 0x40 0xE9 0xE9
4 0x86 0xEA 0xEA
3 0x00 0xCB 0xCB
2 0x01 0xCC 0xCC
1 0x02 0xCC 0xCD
0 0x03 0xAD 0xCE
-1 0x04 0x47 0xCF
-2 0x27 0x48 0xAF
-3 0x05 0x49 0x26
-4 0x07 0x29 0x27
-5 0x08 0x90 0x28
-6 0x91 0x91 0x29
-7 0x09 0x93 0x07
-8 0x0B 0x94 0x08
-9 0x0C 0x2F 0x09
-10 0x0D 0x30 0x0A
-11 0x0E 0x31 0x0B
-12 0x0F 0x0F 0x0C
-13 0x10 0x10 0x0D
-14 0x11 0x11 0x0E
-15 0x12 0x12 0x0F
-16 0x13 0x13 0x10
-17 0x14 0x14 0x11
-18 0x15 0x15 0x13
-19 0x16 0x17 0x14
-20 0x17 0x18 0x15
-21 0x19 0x19 0x16
-22 0x1A 0x1A 0x17
-23 0x1B 0x1B 0x18
-24 0x1C 0x1C 0x19
-25 0x1D 0x1D 0x1A
  1. Spectral side lobes remain < -54dBm / 100kHz measured with an RMS detector outside FC ± 3MHz. Power settings may be used at channel 1 and 2 according to IEEE802.15.4c.
  2. Spectral side lobes remain < -54dBm / 100kHz measured with an RMS detector outside FC ± 1MHz. Power settings may be used at channel 0 and 3 according to IEEE802.15.4c.

Values of the above table are based on a mode dependent setting of register bits GC_TX_OFFS (register 0x16, RF_CTRL_0).