14.8.14 IRQ_MASK

The IRQ_MASK register controls the interrupt signaling via the IRQ.
Offset: 0x0E
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – IRQ_MASK[7:0] IRQ_MASK

Mask register for interrupts. IRQ_MASK[7] correspondents to IRQ_7 (BAT_LOW). IRQ_MASK[0] correspondents to IRQ_0 (PLL_LOCK).

Table 14-77. IRQ_MASK
Value Description

The IRQ_MASK register is used to enable or disable individual interrupts. An interrupt is enabled if the corresponding bit is set to one. All interrupts are disabled after power-on sequence (P_ON state) or reset (RESET state).

Valid values are [0xFF, 0xFE, …, 0x00].

  1. If an interrupt is enabled it is recommended to read the interrupt status register 0x0F (IRQ_STATUS) first to clear the history.