14.8.21 RX_SYN

The register RX_SYN controls the blocking of receiver path and the sensitivity threshold of the receiver.

Name: RX_SYN
Offset: 0x15
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 


The register bit RX_PDT_DIS prevents the reception of a frame during RX phase.

Table 14-93. RX_PDT_DIS
Value Description
0x0 RX path is enabled
0x1 RX path is disabled

RX_PDT_DIS = 1 prevents the reception of a frame even if the radio transceiver is in receive modes. An ongoing frame reception is not affected. This operation mode is independent of the setting of register bits RX_PDT_LEVEL.


The register bits RX_OVERRIDE control the RXO functions during RX phase. During the receive process the validity of the current frame and the occurrence of a strong interferer is checked continuously. In either of those cases the reception is automatically restarted to increase the overall system availability and throughput with respect to correct received packets.

Table 14-91. RX_OVERRIDE
Value Description
0x0(1) All RX override functions are disabled (default)

IPAN scanning is enabled,

9dB Energy Detection (ED) check is enabled,

Link Quality (LQ) check is enabled

Reserved All other values are reserved
  1. Frames are decoded up to the length specified in the PHR field, independent of any interference while receiving this frame.
  2. Detection of strong interference while receiving a frame (where the frame is destroyed anyway) and fast re-synchronization to a potential new frame.
  3. There is no TRX_END interrupt for an ongoing frame reception when re-synchronization is forced by strong interference.

The Receiver Override can be used without performance degradation in combination with any modulation scheme and data rate.


The register bits RX_PDT_LEVEL desensitize the receiver in steps of 3dB.

Table 14-92. RX_PDT_LEVEL
Value Description

Maximum RX sensitivity


RX input level[dBm] > RSSI_BASE_VAL[dBm] + 3[dB] x 14

These register bits desensitize the receiver such that frames with an RSSI level below the RX_PDT_LEVEL threshold level (if RX_PDT_LEVEL > 0) are not received. For a RX_PDT_LEVEL > 0 value the threshold level can be calculated according to the following formula:

PRF[dBm] > RSSIBASE_VAL[dBm] + 3[dB] x (RX_PDT_LEVEL - 1)

If register bits RX_PDT_LEVEL = 0 (reset value) all frames with a valid SHR and PHR are received, independently of their signal strength.

If register bits RX_PDT_LEVEL > 0, the current consumption of the receiver in all RX listening states is reduced by 500μA.