48.28 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Electrical Specifications

Table 48-40. USB AC Electrical Specifications
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = AVDD 3.0V to 3.63V, VDDREG = 1.75V to 1.85V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristics(1)Min.TypicalMax.UnitsConditions
USB_1VDDUSBUSB Transciever Voltage33.6VVoltage on VDDIOx must be in this range for proper USB operation
VBUS Supply
USB_23USBCLKS (1)USB Clock Source(1) 12 or 24MHz
USB_25USBAHBMinimum AHB Clock for USB Operations60MHz
  1. XOSC clock source. Required clock accuracy: High Speed = ±0.05%, Full Speed = ±0.25%, Low Speed = ±1.5%.