48.4 MCU Active Power

Table 48-7. CPU Active Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications
DC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = AVDD 1.75V to 3.63V, VDDREG = 1.75V to 1.85V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsClock/FreqPower PinTypical(1)Max.UnitsConditions
APWR_1IDD_ACTIVE (2,3)MCU IDD in active modePLL_300_MHz VDDIO = AVDD = 3.3V56mA
APWR_3VDDREG = 1.8V85270mA
APWR_5DFLL _48_MHz VDDIO = AVDD = 3.3V33mA
APWR_7VDDREG = 1.8V20195mA
APWR_9XOSC _48_MHz VDDIO = AVDD = 3.3V33mA
APWR_11VDDREG = 1.8V20195mA
  1. Typical values at 25°C only.
  2. Conditions:
    • VDDIO/AVDD = 3.3V. VDDREG = 1.8V
    • RTC running on ULP32K for Coremark® ticks count
    • No other peripheral modules are operating (i.e., all peripherals except RTC inactive)
    • CPU frequency = 300 MHz
    • BMX clock = CPU frequency / 2
    • APB Peripheral bus clocks: default settings after reset
    • Arm-M7 Cache disabled
    • MCU is running on Flash with automatic wait state
    • VREG_PLL enabled
    • VREG_USB0 / VREG_USB1 disabled
    • I/Os are inactive input mode with input trigger disabled
    • All clock generation sources disabled unless otherwise specified
    • WDT, CFD Clock Fail Detect disabled
  3. MCU Running CoreMark® Test Suite.
Figure 48-1. Power Consumption over Temperature in Active Mode (Typical values for guidance only, not tested)