48.18 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Electrical Specifications

Table 48-22. ADC AC Electrical Specifications
DC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = AVDD 1.75V to 3.63V, VDDREG = 1.75V to 1.85V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
Device Supply
Reference Inputs
ADC_3VREF(4)ADC Reference Voltage (4)The greater of ≥ AVDD(min) or 2.4V (4)AVDD V VREF ≤ AVDD
Analog Input Range
ADC_7AFSFull-Scale Analog Input Signal Range AVSSVREFVSingle-Ended mode
-VREF+VREF VDifferential mode, VCMIN = VREF/2
ADC_9VCMINInput common mode voltage'VREF/2V
  1. Characterized with an analog input sine wave = (FTP(max) / 100). For example, FTP(max) = 1 Msps / 100 = 10 kHz sine wave.
  2. Sine wave peak amplitude = 96% ADC_ Full Scale amplitude input with 12-bit resolution.
  3. ADC is configured in 12-bits mode.
  4. ADC functional device operation with either internal or external VREF < 2.4V is functional, but not characterized. ADC will function but with degraded accuracy of approximately ~((0.006 * 2n) / VREF) LSB’s over full scale range, where "n"= #bits. ADC accuracy is limited by VREF accuracy + drift, MCU generated noise plus users application noise/accuracy on AVDD/AVSS.

  5. Value taken over 7 harmonics.
  6. Value coming from simulation.
Table 48-23. ADC Single-Ended Mode Electrical Specifications
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = AVDD 1.75V to 3.63V, VDDREG = 1.75V to 1.85V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.TypicalMax.UnitsConditions
Single-Ended Mode ADC Accuracy
SADC_11ResResolution812bitsSelectable 8, 10, 12-bit Resolution Ranges
SADC_13INL (3)Integral Nonlinearity-1.5±11.5LSB4.6875 Msps, Internal VREF = AVDD = VDDIO = 3.3V
SADC_19DNL (3)Differential Nonlinearity-1-0.75 / +11.5LSB4.6875 Msps, Internal VREF = AVDD = VDDIO = 3.3V
SADC_25GERR (3,6)Gain Error-6-2LSB4.6875 Msps, Internal VREF = AVDD = VDDIO = 3.3V
SADC_31EOFF (3,6)Offset Error16LSB4.6875 Msps, Internal VREF = AVDD = VDDIO = 3.3V
SINGLE ENDED MODE ADC Dynamic Performance
SADC_43ENOB (3)Effective Number of bits911.2bitsVREF = AVDD = VDDIO = 3.3V @ 12 bit at 4.6875 Msps
SADC_45SINAD (1,2,3)Signal-to-Noise and Distortion5670dB
SADC_47SNR (1,2,3)Signal-to-Noise ratio5670
SADC_51THD (1,2,3,5)Total Harmonic Distortion-80-75
  1. Characterized with an analog input sine wave = (FTP(max) / 100). For example, FTP(max) = 1 Msps / 100 = 10 kHz sine wave.
  2. Sine wave peak amplitude = 96% ADC_ Full Scale amplitude input with 12bit resolution.
  3. ADC is configured in 12 bits mode.
  4. ADC functional device operation with either internal or external VREF < 2.4V is functional, but not characterized. ADC will function, but with degraded accuracy of approximately ~((0.06 * 2n) / VREF) LSB’s over full scale range, where "n"=#bits. ADC accuracy is limited by internal VREF accuracy + drift, MCU generated noise plus users application noise/accuracy on AVDD/AVSS.
  5. Value taken over 7 harmonics.
  6. Value coming from simulation.
Table 48-24. ADC Differential Mode Electrical Specifications
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = AVDD 1.75V to 3.63V, VDDREG = 1.75V to 1.85V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.TypicalMax.UnitsConditions
DADC_11ResResolution812bitsSelectable 8, 10, 12-bit Resolution Ranges
DADC_13INL (3)Integral Nonlinearity-2±1.52LSB4.6875 Msps, Internal VREF = AVDDA = VDDIO = 3.3V
DADC_19DNL (3)Differential Nonlinearity-1-0.75 / +12LSB4.6875 Msps, Internal VREF = AVDD = VDDIO = 3.3V
DADC_25GERR (3,6)Gain Error-6-2LSB4.6875 Msps, Internal VREF = AVDD = VDDIO = 3.3V
DADC_31EOFF (3,6)Offset Error13LSB4.6875 Msps, Internal VREF = AVDD = VDDIO = 3.3V
DADC_43EN0B (3)Effective Number of bits1111.4bitsVREF = AVDD = VDDIO = 3.3V @ 12 bit at 4.6875 Msps
DADC_45SINAD (1,2,3)Signal-to-Noise and Distortion6870dB
DADC_47SNR (1,2,3)Signal-to-Noise ratio6870
DADC_51THD (1,2,3,5)Total Harmonic Distortion-84-80
  1. Characterized with an analog input sine wave = (FTP(max) / 100). For example, FTP(max) = 1 Msps / 100 = 10 kHz sine wave.
  2. Sine wave peak amplitude = 96% ADC_ Full Scale amplitude input with 12-bit resolution.
  3. ADC is configured in 12 bits mode.
  4. ADC functional device operation with either internal or external VREF < 2.4V is functional, but not characterized. ADC will function, but with degraded accuracy of approximately ~((0.06 * 2n) / VREF) LSB’s over full scale range, where "n"=#bits. ADC accuracy is limited by internal VREF accuracy + drift, MCU generated noise plus users application noise/accuracy on AVDD/AVSS.
  5. Value taken over 7 harmonics.
  6. Value coming from simulation.
Table 48-25. ADC Conversion AC Electrical Requirements
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = AVDD 1.75V to 3.63V, VDDREG = 1.75V to 1.85V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature :

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.TypicalMax.UnitsConditions
ADC_ Clock Requirements
ADC_53TADADC Clock Period13.3337142nsVREF = AVDD = 3.3V and Res = 6, 8, 10-bit
13.331250nsVREF = AVDD = 3.3V and Res = 12 bit
ADC_55fGCLK_ADCxADCx Module GCLK maximum input freqFCLK_51MHzVREF = AVDD = 3.3V
ADC Throughput Rates
ADC_57FTPR (1)Sample-Rate for ADC1, 2, 3 with SAMC = 1 (min)4.687500Msps12-bit resolution, Rsource Impedance ≤ 200 Ω
5.35714310-bit resolution, Rsource Impedance ≤ 350 Ω
6.2500008-bit resolution, Rsource Impedance ≤ 500 Ω
7.5000006-bit resolution, Rsource Impedance ≤ 650 Ω
Sample-Rate for ADC0 with SAMC = 4 (min)3.947368Msps12-bit resolution, Rsource Impedance ≤ 200 Ω
4.41176510-bit resolution, Rsource Impedance ≤ 350 Ω
5.0000008-bit resolution, Rsource Impedance ≤ 500 Ω
5.7692316-bit resolution, Rsource Impedance ≤ 650 Ω
  1. ADC Throughput Rate FTP = ((1 / ((TSAMP + TCNV) * TAD)) / (number of users active analog inputs in use on a specific target ADC module)).
  2. Specification values assume only one AINx channel in use.
Table 48-26. ADC SAMPLE AC Electrical Requirements
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = AVDD 1.75V to 3.63V, VDDREG = 1.75V to 1.85V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.TypicalMax.UnitsConditions
ADC_59TSAMPSample-Time for ADC1,2,33TAD12-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 200 Ω,

Max ADC Clock

10-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 350 Ω,

Max ADC Clock

512-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 500Ω,

Max ADC Clock

10-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 700 Ω,

Max ADC Clock

812-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 1kΩ,

Max ADC Clock

10-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 1,25 kΩ,

Max ADC Clock

3412-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 5 kΩ,

Max ADC Clock

10-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 5,5 kΩ,

max ADC Clock

ADC_59TSAMPSample-Time for ADC06TAD12-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 200 Ω,

Max ADC Clock

10-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 350 Ω,

Max ADC Clock

812-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 500 Ω,

Max ADC Clock

10-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 700 Ω,

Max ADC Clock

1212-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 1 kΩ,

Max ADC Clock

10-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 1.25 kΩ,

Max ADC Clock

4112-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 5 kΩ,

Max ADC Clock

10-bit TAD(min),

Ext Analog Input Rsource ≤ 5.5 kΩ,

Max ADC Clock

Sample-Time for ACD3 Channel625812-bit resolution, for internal BandGap 1.2V measurement .
ADC_61TCNVConversion Time (after sample time is complete)13TAD12-bit resolution
1110-bit resolution
98-bit resolution
76-bit resolution
ADC_63Twarm-upWarm Up Time after CTRLA.ANAEN = 1 and CTRLA.ENABLE = 1 500 TAD or 20 µs, which ever is biggerµs