42.7.37 ADCn Interrupt Flags Register (ADC)

Note: Interrupt flags must be cleared and then read back to confirm they are cleared before exiting the ISR to avoid double interrupts.
Table 42-43. Register Bit Attribute Legend
RReadable bitHCCleared by Hardware(Grey cell)Unimplemented
WWritable bitHSSet by HardwareXBit is unknown at Reset
KWrite to clearSSoftware settable bit
Name: INTFLAG[n]
Offset: 0x0128 + n*0x10 [n=0..3]
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: -

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bits 31:16 – CHRDY[15:0] ADCn Channel Ready Interrupt Flag Channel k

CHRDY[ k ] = 1 indicates that ADCn has completed its last A/D conversion for channel k.

Note: CHRDY[ k ] is defined only for k = 0,1,2,…,(Sn-1).

If INTENSETn.CHRDY[ k ] is set, then CHRDY[ k ]=1 will trigger an ADC interrupt.

CHRDY[ k ] is reset by software writing a 1 to it.

Bits 15:12 – CRDYID[3:0] ADCn Module Current Channel ID Ready Bits

The value of CRDYID indicates the input channel index, k , that ADCn has just completed in its current scan. This if for information only since these bits cannot be used to trigger an ADC interrupt. (CHRDY[ k ] are intended for that purpose.)

These bits are reset by software writing a 1 to them.

Bit 11 – EOSRDY ADCn Module End-Of-Scan Interrupt Flag

This bit is set by hardware at the end of the scan of all channels included in the scan performed by ADCn in response to a SINGLE event of the Scan Trigger 0 (STRIG0).

If INTENSETn.EOSRDY is set, then EOSRDY = 1 will trigger an ADC interrupt.

This bit is reset by software writing a 1 to it.

Bit 10 – CHNERRC ADCn Module Channel Overwritten Error Flag

When set, this bit indicates that the ADCn has completed its last A/D conversion for channel CRDYID[3:0], but at the time CRDYID[3:0] was updated, the status bit CHRDYC was still set, which indicates that the software may not have had the time to read the previous data, which may be now lost.

If INTENSETn.CHNERRC is set, then CHNERRC = 1 will trigger an ADC interrupt.

This bit is reset by software writing a 1 to it.

Bit 9 – FLTRDY ADCn Digital Filter Ready for Filter Flag

When set, this bit indicates that the digital filter has issued a new output sample for the input channel defined by FLTCTRLn.FLTCHNID.

If INTENSETn.FLTRDY is set, then FLTRDY = 1 will trigger an ADC interrupt.

This bit is reset by software writing a 1 to it.

Bit 8 – CHRDYC ADCn Current Channel Ready Flag

0 = ADCn busy or idle

1 = When set, this bit signifies that the ADCn has completed its current A/D conversion for the channel identified in CRDYID[3:0].

  1. If INTENSETn.CHRDYC is set, then CHRDYC = 1 will trigger an ADC interrupt.
  2. This bit is reset by software writing a 1 to it.

Bit 7 – SOVFL ADCn Clock Synchronizer Overflow into the APB Clock Domain

When set this bit signifies the ADC data was lost due to a slow APB_CLK.

If INTENSETn.SOVFL is set, then SOVFL = 1 will trigger an ADC interrupt.

This bit is reset by software writing a 1 to it.

Bit 4 – CMPHIT ADCn Digital Comparator Hit Interrupt Flag for Comparator

When set, this bit signifies that the Digital Comparator associated with ADCn has issued a condition hit interrupt for channel identified in CMPINTID[5:0].

If INTENSETn.CMPHIT is set, then CMPHIT = 1 will trigger an ADC interrupt.

This bit is reset by software writing a 1 to it.

Bits 3:0 – CMPINTID[3:0] ADCn Module Digital Comparator Channel ID Bits

When set, this signifies that the ADC Module x Channel ID for which the digital comparator has issued the condition hit interrupt (CMPHIT=1). These bits cannot be used as an interrupt request flag. This is for information only. (CMPHIT is intended for that purpose.)

This bit is reset by software writing a 1 to it.