63.10.73 TWI High-Speed Clock Waveform Generator Register

This register can only be written if the WPEN bit is cleared in the TWI Write Protection Mode Register.

FLEX_TWI_HSCWGR is only used in High-Speed Host mode.

Offset: 0x648
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 18:16 – HSCKDIV[2:0] High-Speed Clock Divider

The CKDIV is used to increase both SCL high and low periods.

Bits 15:8 – HSCHDIV[7:0] High-Speed Clock High Divider

The SCL high period is defined as follows:

  • If BRSRCCLK = 0: CHDIV = ((thigh/tperipheralclock) - 3)/2CKDIV
  • If BRSRCCLK = 1: CHDIV = (thigh/text_ck)/2CKDIV

Bits 7:0 – HSCLDIV[7:0] High-Speed Clock Low Divider

The SCL low period is defined as follows:

  • If BRSRCCLK = 0: CLDIV = ((tlow/tperipheralclock) - 3)/2CKDIV
  • If BRSRCCLK = 1: CLDIV = (tlow/text_ck)/2CKDIV