43.22 Serial Peripheral Interface (SERCOM SPI) Mode Electrical Specifications

Figure 43-6. SERCOMx SPI Host Module CPHA=0 AC Timing Diagrams
Figure 43-7. SERCOMx SPI Host Module CPHA=1 AC Timing Diagrams
Table 43-31. SPIx Module Host Mode Electrical Specifications (1)
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDD and VDDIO 2.7V to 5.5V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristics(1)Min.TypicalMax.UnitsConditions
MSP_1FSCKSCK Frequency11.8MHzTransmitter mode, CTRLB.RXEN=0, CLOAD=30pF(MAX)
3.7Full Duplex Transmit & Receive mode, CLOAD=30pF(MAX). Loop Back mode with one SPI talking to another SPI on the same MCU.
1/(2*(TMIS+NOTE2_TV)) 2Full Duplex Transmit & Receive mode, CLOAD=30pf(MAX). The max SPI speed of the MCU is partially dependent on the external SPI device performance characteristics. Faster speeds than the loop back mode above may therefore be possible using the formula.
MSP_3TSCLSCK Output Low Time1/(2*FSCK)ns
MSP_5TSCHSCK Output High Time1/(2*FSCK)ns
MSP_7TSCFSCK & MOSI Output Fall TimeDI_27nsSee parameter DI_27 I/O spec
MSP_9TSCRSCK & MOSI Output Rise TimeDI_25nsSee parameter DI_25 I/O spec
MSP_11TMOVMOSI Data Output Valid after SCK42.3nsVDDIO = 2.7V, CLOAD = 30pF(MIN)
MSP_13TMOHMOSI hold after SCK11.6ns
MSP_15TMISMISO Setup Time of Data Input to SCK62.5ns
MSP_17TMIHMISO Hold Time of Data Input to SCK10.6ns
  1. Assumes VDDIO = 2.7V and 30 pF external load on all SPIx pins unless otherwise noted.
  2. NOTE2_TV is the slave external device data output valid time from clock edge specification.
Figure 43-8. SERCOMx SPI Client Module (CPHA=0) AC Timing Diagram
Figure 43-9. SERCOMx SPI Client Module (CPHA=1) AC Timing Diagram
Table 43-32. SPIx Module Client Mode Electrical Specifications (1)
AC CHARACTERISTICSStandard Operating Conditions: VDD and VDDIO 2.7V to 5.5V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No.SymbolCharacteristics(1)Min.TypicalMax.UnitsConditions
SSP_1FSCKSCK Frequency11.8MHzReceiver mode, CLOAD= 30 pF (MAX)
3.7Full Duplex Transmit & Receive mode , CLOAD= 30 pF (MAX). Loop Back mode with one SPI talking to another SPI on the same MCU.
1/(2*(TSOV+NOTE2_TMIS))2 Full Duplex Transmit & Receive mode, CLOAD=30pf(MAX). The max SPI speed of the MCU is partially dependent on the external SPI device performance characteristics. Faster speeds than the loop back mode above may therefore be possible using the formula.
SSP_3TSCLSCK Output Low Time1/(2*FSCK)ns
SSP_5TSCHSCK Output High Time1/(2*FSCK)ns
SSP_7TSCFSCK & MISO Output Fall TimeDI_27nsSee parameter DI_27 I/O spec
SSP_9TSCRSCK & MISO Output Rise TimeDI_25nsSee parameter DI_25 I/O spec
SSP_11TSOVMISO Data Output Valid after SCK80.43nsVDDIO = 2.7V, CLOAD= 30 pF (MIN)
SSP_13TSOHMISO hold after SCK22.3ns
SSP_15TSISMOSI Setup Time of Data Input to SCK14.1ns
SSP_17TSIHMOSI Hold Time of Data Input to SCK8.49ns
SSP_19TSSSSS setup to SCK (PRELOADEN = 1)2*tck_APB+20.86ns
SS setup to SCK (PRELOADEN = 0)20.86ns
SSP_21TSSHSS hold after SCK Client2.07ns
  1. Assumes VDDIO = 2.7V and 30 pF external load on all SPIx pins unless otherwise noted.
  2. NOTE2_TMIS is the master external device setup time.