43.29 Position Decoder (PDEC) Electrical Specifications

Table 43-41. Position Decoder Interface AC Electrical Specifications
AC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDD and VDDIO 2.7V to 5.5V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics Min. Typ Max. Units Conditions
PDEC_1 TtPH TPCK high time 2/fGCLK_PDEC ns VDDIO 2.7V to 5.5V
PDEC_3 TtPL TPCK low time 2/fGCLK_PDEC ns
PDEC_5 TtPP TPCK input period 4/fGCLK_PDEC ns
PDEC_7 TCKEXTDLY Delay from External TxCK Clock Edge to counter Increment 4/fGCLK_PDEC ns
PDEC_11 TPDH Position Decoder Input High Time 2/fGCLK_PDEC ns
PDEC_13 TPDL Position Decoder Input Low Time 2/fGCLK_PDEC ns
PDEC_15 TPDIN Position Decoder Input Period 4/fGCLK_PDEC ns
PDEC_21 TPDFH Filter Time to Recognize High, with Digital Filter 4/fGCLK_PDEC ns
PDEC_23 TPDFL Filter Time to Recognize Low, with Digital Filter 4/fGCLK_PDEC ns

VDDIO 2.7V to 5.5V.

See parameter FCLK_29 in Maximum Clock Frequency table