43.3 CPU Active Power

Table 43-6. CPU Active Current Consumption Electrical Specifications
DC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDDIO=VDDANA 2.7V to 5.5V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics Clock/Freq Typ.(1) Max. Units Conditions
APWR_1 IDD_ACTIVE MCU IDD in active mode FDPLL 48MHz 99.6 112.9 µA/MHz VDDANA = VDDIO = 5V

XOSC32K at 32.768 kHz as reference of FDPLL (2)

APWR_3 97.3 110 µA/MHz VDDANA = VDDIO = 3.3V

XOSC32K at 32.768 kHz as reference of FDPLL (2)

APWR_5 OSC48M 48MHz 97.8 110.4 µA/MHz VDDANA = VDDIO = 5V

XOSC32K Off (2)

APWR_7 95.5 107.9 µA/MHz VDDANA = VDDIO = 3.3V

XOSC32K Off (2)

  1. Typical values at 25°C only.
  2. Conditions:
    • No peripheral modules are operating (i.e., all peripherals inactive)
    • APB clocks not needed are masked: except MCLK and NVMCTRL
    • MCLK.AHBMASK = 0x000005FF
    • All I/O pins configured as input pins pulled down or tied to GND
    • WDT, RTC, CFD Clock Fail Detect disabled
    • CPU is running on Flash with 2 Wait States
    • NVMCTRL cache enabled
    • BODVDD disabled
    Note: µa/MHz varies over temperature. Worst case is given by max.
  3. CPU Running CoreMark® Test Suite.
Figure 43-1. Power Consumption over Temperature in Active Mode (Typical values for guidance only, not tested in manufacturing)