typedef struct
    /* Function pointer of native file system for mounting a volume */
    int (*mount) (uint8_t vol);
    /* Function pointer of native file system for unmounting a volume */
    int (*unmount) (uint8_t vol);
    /* Function pointer of native file system for opening a file */
    int (*open) (uintptr_t handle, const char* path, uint8_t mode);
    /* Function pointer of native file system for reading a file */
    int (*read) (uintptr_t fp, void* buff, uint32_t btr, uint32_t *br);
    /* Function pointer of native file system for writing to a file */
    int (*write) (uintptr_t fp, const void* buff, uint32_t btw, uint32_t* bw);
    /* Function pointer of native file system for closing a file */
    int (*close) (uintptr_t fp);
    /* Function pointer of native file system for moving the file pointer by a
    * desired offset */
    int (*seek) (uintptr_t handle, uint32_t offset);
    /* Function pointer of native file system for finding the position of the
    * file pointer */
    uint32_t (*tell) (uintptr_t handle);
    * reached */
    bool (*eof) (uintptr_t handle);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to know the size of file */
    uint32_t (*size) (uintptr_t handle);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to know the status of file */
    int (*fstat) (const char* path, uintptr_t fno);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to create a directory */
    int (*mkdir)(const char *path);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to change a directory */
    int (*chdir)(const char *path);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to remove a file or directory */
    int (*remove)(const char *path);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to get the volume label */
    int (*getlabel)(const char *path, char *buff, uint32_t *sn);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to set the volume label */
    int (*setlabel)(const char *label);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to truncate the file */
    int (*truncate)(uintptr_t handle);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to obtain the current working
    * directory */
    int (*currWD)(char* buff, uint32_t len);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to set the current drive */
    int(*chdrive)(uint8_t drive);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to change the attribute for file
    * or directory */
    int(*chmode)(const char* path, uint8_t attr, uint8_t mask);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to change the time for a file or
    * directory */
    int(*chtime)(const char* path, uintptr_t ptr);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to rename a file or directory */
    int(*rename)(const char *oldPath, const char *newPath);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to flush file */
    int(*sync)(uintptr_t fp);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to read a string from a file */
    char *(*getstrn)(char* buff, int len, uintptr_t handle);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to write a character into a file
    * */
    int(*putchr)(char c, uintptr_t handle);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to write a string into a file */
    int(*putstrn)(const char* str, uintptr_t handle);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to print a formatted string to
    * file */
    int(*formattedprint)(uintptr_t handle, const char *str, va_list argList);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to test an error in a file */
    bool(*testerror)(uintptr_t handle);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to format a disk */
    int(*formatDisk)(uint8_t vol, const SYS_FS_FORMAT_PARAM* opt, void* work, uint32_t len)
    /* Function pointer of native file system to open a directory */
    int(*openDir)(uintptr_t handle, const char *path);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to read a directory */
    int(*readDir)(uintptr_t handle, uintptr_t stat);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to close an opened directory */
    int(*closeDir)(uintptr_t handle);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to partition a physical drive */
    int(*partitionDisk)(uint8_t pdrv, const uint32_t szt[], void* work);
    /* Function pointer of native file system to get total sectors and free
    * sectors */
    int(*getCluster)(const char *path, uint32_t *tot_sec, uint32_t *free_sec);


SYS FS Function signature structure for native file systems.


The SYS FS layer supports functions from each native file system layer. This structure specifies the signature for each function from native file system (parameter that needs to be passed to each function and return type for each function). If a new native file system is to be integrated with the SYS FS layer, the functions should follow the signature.

The structure of function pointer for the supported native file systems is already populated in the initialization.c file. Hence the following structure is not immediately useful for the user. But the explanation for the structure is still provided for advanced users who would wish to integrate a new native file system to the MPLAB Harmony File System framework.

