55.9 MCU Off Current Consumption

Table 55-13.  MCU Off Current Consumption Electrical Specifications (1,2)
DC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDD = AVDD = 1.71V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temperature

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics VDD Typ. Max. Units Conditions
OPWR_1 IDD_OFF OFF mode powered from VDD 3.3V --- 3.35 µA In Off mode,

the device is entirely powered-off.


and subsequent execution of the WFI instruction.

Note: This mode is left by pulling the RESET pin low, or when a power Reset is done.
OPWR_3 1.8V --- 2.3 µA
  1. Conditions:
    • All peripherals inactive unless otherwise specified.
    • All clock generation sources disabled unless otherwise specified.
    • All I/O pins configured as input pins pulled down or tied to VSS/AVSS.
  2. For the PIC32CX SG60/SG61 variants, the current consumption of the HSM is not taken into account and must be added according to its operating mode. Refer to the “PIC32CX SG60/SG61 Hardware Security Module Addendum (DS60001750)” for additional information.