55.12 I/O Pin Electrical Specifications

Table 55-16. I/O Pin Electrical Specifications
AC/DC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDD = AVDD = 1.71V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temperature

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
DI_1 VIL Input Low Voltage I/O Pins VSS


0.3 VDD

0.3 AVDD

DI_3 VIH Input High Voltage I/O Pins 0.7 VDD

0.7 AVDD



DI_5 VOL Output voltage low (Low Drive Strength, DRVSTR=0) 0.2 VDD

0.2 AVDD

V VDD/AVDD = 3.3V @ IOL= 2mA
DI_7 Output voltage low (High Drive Strength, DRVSTR=1) VDD/AVDD = 3.3V @ IOL= 8mA
DI_9 VOH Output voltage High (Low Drive Strength, DRVSTR=0) 0.8 VDD

0.8 AVDD

V VDD/AVDD = 3.3V @ IOH = 2 mA
DI_10 Output voltage High (High Drive Strength, DRVSTR = 1)

I/O pins PA00, PA01, PB00, PB01, PB02, PB03, PC00, PC01

VDD/AVDD = 3.3V @ IOH = 6 mA
DI_11 Output voltage High (High Drive Strength, DRVSTR = 1)

All I/O pins except DI_10 ones

VDD/AVDD = 3.3V @ IOH= 8mA
DI_13 IIL Input pin leakage current -1 1 µA VSS/AVSS ≤ VPIN ≤ VDD/AVDD(max) (VPIN = Voltage present on Pin)
DI_15 RPDWN Internal Pull-Down

(DIR = OUT = 0, PULLEN = 1).

All I/O pins except PA24 and PA25.

20 60 kΩ
Internal Pull-Down

(DIR = OUT = 0, PULLEN = 1).

I/O pins PA24 and PA25.

14 28 kΩ
DI_17 RPUP Internal Pull-Up

(DIR = 0, OUT = PULLEN = 1)

20 60 kΩ
DI_19 IICL (1,3,4) Input Low Injection Current -15 mA This parameter applies to all I/O pins.
DI_21 IICH (2,3,4) Input High Injection Current 15 mA This parameter applies to all I/O pins
DI_23 IICT Total Input Injection Current (sum of all I/O and control pins) Absolute value of

| ∑IICT |

-45 45 mA Absolute instantaneous sum of all ± input injection currents from all I/O pins. ( | IICL | + | IICH | ) ≤ ∑IICT
DI_25 TRISE I/O pin Rise Time

(Low Drive Strength, DRVSTR=0)

49 ns Normal Mode (all IO pins),


DI_26 I/O pin Rise Time

(High Drive Strength, DRVSTR=1)

12 ns
DI_27 TFALL I/O pin Fall Time

(Low Drive Strength, DRVSTR=0)

44 ns
DI_28 I/O pin Fall Time

(High Drive Strength, DRVSTR=1)

11 ns
DI_29 TRISE_BACKUP Backup I/O pin Rise Time 4 µs

Backup Pins (PA00, PA01, PB00, PB01, PB02, PB03, PC00, PC01) in Backup Mode,


DI_30 TFALL_BACKUP Backup I/O pin Fall Time 4 µs
  1. VIL source < (VSS - 0.3). Characterized but not tested.
  2. VIH source > (VDD + 0.3).
  3. If the sum of all injection currents are > | ∑IICT | it can affect the ADC results by approximately 4 to 6 counts (i.e., VIH Source > (VDD + 0.3) or VIL source < (VSS - 0.3)).
  4. Any number and/or combination of I/O pins not excluded under IICL or IICH conditions are permitted provided the “absolute instantaneous” sum of the input injection currents from all pins do not exceed the specified ∑IICT limit. To limit the injection current the user must insert a resistor in series RSERIES, (i.e. RS), between input source voltage and device pin. The resistor value is calculated according to:
    • For negative Input voltages less than (VSS-0.3): RS ≥ absolute value of | ((VIL source - (VSS - 0.3)) / IICL) |
    • For positive input voltages greater than (VDD +0.3): RS ≥ ((VIH source - (VDD +0.3))/ IICH)
    • For Vpin voltages >VDD +0.3 and <VSS-0.3 then RS = the larger of the values calculated above