MemManage Fault Address Register

The MMFAR contains the address of the location that generated a MemManage fault. See the register summary in Table 2-44 for its attributes. The bit assignments are:

Table 2-62. MMFAR Bit Assignments
Bits Name Function
[31:0] ADDRESS When the MMARVALID bit of the MMFSR is set to 1, this field holds the address of the location that generated the MemManage fault

When an unaligned access faults, the address is the actual address that faulted. Because a single read or write instruction can be split into multiple aligned accesses, the fault address can be any address in the range of the requested access size.

Flags in the MMFSR indicate the cause of the fault, and whether the value in the MMFAR is valid. See MemManage Fault Status Register.