SPI Status Register (STATUS)

The following table provides the SPI Status register details. This register indicates the state of SPI such as Tx/Rx FIFO, Tx under-run, and Rx overflow.

Table 13-11. Status
Bit Number Name R/W Reset Value Description
[31:15] Reserved R/W 0 Software must not rely on the value of a reserved bit. To provide compatibility with future products, the value of a reserved bit must be preserved across a read-modify-write operation.
14 ACTIVE R SPI is still transmitting or receiving data.
13 SSEL R Current state of SPI_X_SS[0]
12 FRAMESTART 0: SPI output enable is active as required.

1: SPI output enable is not asserted. Allows multiple slaves to share a single slave select signal with a single master.

11 TXFIFOEMPNXT R 0 Transmit FIFO empty on next read
10 TXFIFOEMP R 1 Transmit FIFO is empty
9 TXFIFOFULNXT R 0 Transmit FIFO full on next write
8 TXFIFOFUL R 0 Transmit FIFO is full
7 RXFIFOEMPNXT R 0 Receive FIFO empty on next read
6 RXFIFOEMP R 1 Receive FIFO empty
5 RXFIFOFULNXT R 0 Receive FIFO full on next write
4 RXFIFOFUL R 0 Receive FIFO is full
3 TXUNDERRUN RO 0 No data available for transmission. The channel cannot read data from the transmit FIFO because the transmit FIFO is empty. Certainly, this can only be raised in slave mode because the master will not attempt to transmit unless there is data in FIFO.
2 RXOVERFLOW RO 0 Channel is unable to write to receive FIFO as it is full. Applies to master and slave modes.
1 RXDATRCED RO 0 When set, it indicates that the number of frames specified by TXRXDFCOUNT has been received and can be read. Applies to master and slave modes.
0 TXDATSENT RO 0 When set, it indicates that the numbers of frames specified by TXRXDFCOUNT has been sent. Applies to master and slave modes.
  • Bits [11:4] correspond to FIFO status.
  • None of these status bits are sticky. During run-time, the status of these bits reflects the current status of SPI.
  • To determine the cause of an interrupt, the Masked Interrupt Status (MIS) register must be read.