21.3.19 create_and_configure_core


This Tcl command creates a configured core component for a core selected from the Libero Catalog. This command works for core components created for different types of cores namely, Sg cores, System Builder cores and Direct cores. In the Libero SoC, choose View > Windows > Catalog. The Catalog displays a list of available cores, bus and macros. From the Catalog, you can create a component from the list of available cores, add a processor or peripheral, add a bus interface to your SmartDesign component, instantiate simulation cores or add a macro (Arithmetic, Basic Block, etc.) to your SmartDesign component.

Limitations: The command does not work for SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2 System Builder components, SmartFusion 2 MSS component, and RTG4 PCIE_SERDES_IF_INIT (RTG4 High Speed Serial Interface 1 - EPCS and XAUI - with Initialization), NPSS_SERDES_IF_INIT (RTG4 High Speed Serial Interface 2 - EPCS and XAUI - with Initialization) and RTG4FDDRC_INIT (RTG4 DDR Memory Controller with initialization) core components.

Note: For Direct Core and Solutions cores, refer to the core handbook or the core user guide for a list of valid parameters and values.
create_and_configure_core -core_vlnv {Vendor:Library:Name:Version} \
                          -component_name "component_name" \
                          -params "core_parameters"


core_vlnvstringSpecifies the version identifier of the core being configured. It is mandatory.
component_namestringSpecifies the name of the configured core component. It is mandatory.
paramsstringSpecifies the parameters needed to configure the core component. It is mandatory. It can either take single parameter or multiple parameters at a time. This command will fail if none of the core parameters are specified.

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneRequired parameter 'core_vlnv' is missing.

Parameter 'core_vlnv' of command 'create_and_configure_core' cannot be empty.

NoneRequired parameter 'component_name' is missing.
NoneUnable to create core. A Component with that name already exists.
NoneCannot find Spirit core configuration file for vendor:Actel library:Simulation name:<core_name> version:1.0.1.

Parameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'create_and_configure_core -core_vlnv "vlnv for the core" -component_name "name of the created component" [-params "[params]+"] '

Supported Families

Supported Families
SmartFusion® 2


The following command configured SgCore(PF_CCC_C3) core - sets core parameters values, specifies the version identifier of the SgCore(PF_CCC_C3) core.

create_and_configure_core -core_vlnv {Actel:SgCore:PF_CCC:1.0.115} \
-component_name {PF_CCC_C3} \
-params {"PLL_IN_FREQ_0:25" \
"GL0_0_IS_USED:true" \
"GL0_0_OUT_FREQ:150" \
"GL0_1_IS_USED:true" \

See Also