21.3.58 import_component_data


A Libero SoC general purpose Tcl command to import component data into an existing Libero project. Component refers to MDDR, FDDR, and SerDes peripherals in SmartFusion 2 devices. Component data refers the initialization or configuration register values (*init_reg or *init.mem files) of those peripherals. Use this command if and when:
  1. The synthesized netlist or HDL files in the existing Libero SoC project contain no component (MDDR, FDDR, or SerDes) information.
  2. You want to add components (MDDR, FDDR, or SerDes) into the existing design.
Note: The eNVM config file can have any name. Either *_init.reg (register configuration file) or *.mem files (memory files) can be used. Both cannot be used together in the same import_component_data command.
import_component_data \
    -module root # name of the top_level (root) \
    -fddr file_path_and_name # has to be FDDR_init.reg or .mem \
    -mddr file_path_and_name # has to be MDDR_init.reg or .mem \
    -serdes0 file_path_and_name # has to be SERDESIF_0_init.reg or .mem \
    -serdes1 file_path_and_name # has to be SERDESIF_1_init.reg or .mem \
    -serdes2 file_path_and_name # has to be SERDESIF_2_init.reg or .mem \
    -serdes3 file_path_and_name # has to be SERDESIF_3_init.reg or .mem \
    -envm_cfg file_path_and_name # SmartFusion 2, IGLOO 2 only \
    -uprom_cfg file_path_and_name # RTG4 only


Parameter Type Description
module string Specifies the top level design name of the Libero project into which component data is being imported.
fddr string Specifies the file path and file name to the FDDR_init.reg or .mem.
mddr string Specifies the file path and file name to the MDDR_init.reg or .mem.
serdes0 string Specifies the file path and file name to the SERDESIF_0_init.reg or .mem.
serdes1 string Specifies the file path and file name to the SERDESIF_1_init.reg or .mem.
serdes2 string Specifies the file path and file name to the SERDESIF_2_init.reg or .mem.
serdes3 string Specifies the file path and file name to the SERDESIF_3_init.reg or .mem.
envm_cfg string Specifies the file path and file name.
Note: This argument is only supported for the SmartFusion® 2 and IGLOO® 2 families of devices.
uprom_cfg string Specifies the file path and file name.
Note: This argument is only supported for the RTG4 family of devices.

Error Codes

Error Code



Parameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'import_component_data -module "root module name" [-mddr "mddr register file name"] [-fddr "fddr register file name"] [-serdes0 "serdes0 register file name"] [-serdes1 "serdes1 register file name"] [-serdes2 "serdes2 register file name"] [-serdes3 "serdes3 register file name"] [-envm_cfg "user envm cfg file name"] [-uprom_cfg "user uprom cfg file name"]'.

Supported Families

Supported Families
SmartFusion® 2


The component name for IGLOO 2 devices might have a different file extension (*.mem or *.reg), depending on the Libero SoC release version used to generate the components.

The following is an example of importing design components created with a Libero SoC pre-v11.4 release into an IGLOO 2 project.

import_component_data -module <root> \
                      -fddr <file_path>/FDDR_init.mem \
                      -mddr <file_path>/MDDR_init.mem \
                      -serdes0 <file_path>/SERDESIF_0_init.mem \
                      -serdes1 <file_path>/SERDESIF_1_init.mem \
                      -serdes2 <file_path>/SERDESIF_2_init.mem \
                      -serdes3 <file_path>/SERDESIF_3_init.mem \
                      -envm_cfg <user_cfg_file_path>

The following is an example of importing design components created with Libero SoC v11.4 or subsequent releases into an IGLOO 2 project.

Note: The *.reg file extension is required.
import_component_data -module <root> \
                      -fddr <file_path>/FDDR_init.reg \
                      -mddr <file_path>/MDDR_init.reg \
                      -serdes0 <file_path>/SERDESIF_0_init.reg \
                      -serdes1 <file_path>/SERDESIF_1_init.reg \
                      -serdes2 <file_path>/SERDESIF_2_init.reg \
                      -serdes3 <file_path>/SERDESIF_3_init.reg \
                      -envm_cfg <user_cfg_file_path>

The following is an example of importing design components created with a Libero SoC pre-v11.4 release into a SmartFusion 2 project.

import_component_data -module <root> \
                      -fddr <file_path>/FDDR_init.reg \
                      -mddr <file_path>/MDDR_init.reg \
                      -serdes0 <file_path>/SERDESIF_0_init.reg \
                      -serdes1 <file_path>/SERDESIF_1_init.reg \
                      -serdes2 <file_path>/SERDESIF_2_init.reg \
                      -serdes3 <file_path>/SERDESIF_3_init.reg \
                      -envm_cfg <user_cfg_file_path>

The following is an example of importing design components created with Libero SoC v11.4 or a subsequent release into a SmartFusion 2 project.

import_component_data -module <root> -envm_cfg <user_cfg_file_path>