21.3.37 export_fp_pdc


This Tcl command exports the Floorplanning Physical Design Constraint (*.pdc) File. You can export the Floorplan PDC file from Constraint Manager > I/O Attributes or Constraint Manager Floor Planner or from File menu. Constraints can be exported to PDC file for reference, but must be manually added to an existing PDC or imported via the Constraints Editor for the changes to affect the final paced and routed design. The exported file has *.pdc file name extension. Before exporting, you need to run 'Place and Route'.

export_fp_pdc \
         -file { absolute or relative path and name of *.pdc file } \
         [-mode { PDC_PLACE | PDC_FULL_PLACEMENT }]


filestringSpecifies absolute or relative path and name of the *.pdc file. It is mandatory.
modestringChoose the type of information that you want to export. Use PDC_PLACE to export user’s floorplanning constraints, for example, fixed logic and regions.

Use PDC_FULL_PLACEMENT to export information about all of the physical design constraints (I/O constraints, I/O Banks, routing constraints, region constraints, global and local clocks). This is an optional parameter. Default is PDC_PLACE.

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneRequired parameter 'file' is missing.


Parameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'export_fp_pdc -file "Export File Name" [-mode "Export Mode"] '.

Supported Families

Supported Families
SmartFusion® 2


The following example exports information about all of the physical designs constraints (I/O constraints, I/O Banks, routing constraints, region constraints, global and local clocks).

export_fp_pdc -file {E:/designs/export/sd1_fp.pdc} \
              -mode {PDC_FULL_PLACEMENT}

See Also