21.3.67 organize_sources


This Tcl command enables you to set the source file order in the Libero SoC.

To specify the file order:
  1. In the Design Flow window, right-click Synthesize or Simulation tool and choose Organize Input Files > Organize Source Files. The Organize Source Files dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Use list of files organized by User radio button to Add/Remove source files for the selected tool.
  3. Use the Up and Down arrows to change the order of the Associated Source files.
organize_sources [-file filename ] [-mode "new | add | remove" ] \
                 -module value -tool "synthesis | simulation" \
                 [-use_default value ]


filestringSpecifies the name of the file to which you want to associate your source files. It is optional. Default is empty.
modestringSpecifies whether you are creating a new source files association, adding, or removing for the selected tool; possible values are:
  • new - creates a new source file association.
  • add - adds a source file to an existing association.
  • remove - removes a source file association.
modulestringSets the module, where value is the name of the module. You can specify as {<module::work>} or {<module>} <module>. This is mandatory.
toolstringIdentifies the intended use for the file, possible values are:
  • synthesis - file to be used for synthesis.
  • simulation - file to be used in simulation.
use_defaultstringUses the default values for synthesis or simulation; possible values are:
  • TRUE, true, 1 - uses default values for synthesis or simulation. This is the default value.
  • FALSE, false, 0 - uses user-defined values for synthesis or simulation.

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
None'file' is not in the project.
NoneRequired parameter 'module' is missing.
Nonemode: Invalid argument value: 'mode_value' (expecting new, add or remove).
Nonetool: Invalid argument value: 'designer' (expecting synthesis or simulation).


Parameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'organize_sources [-file "file"]* [-mode "new | add | remove"] -module "module" -tool "synthesis | simulation" [-use_default "TRUE | FALSE"] ' .

Supported Families

Supported Families
SmartFusion® 2


The example organizes a new stimulus file 'stim.vhd' using default settings.

organize_sources -file "stim.vhd" -mode "new" -module "stimulus" \
                 -tool "synthesis" -use_default "TRUE"

See Also