21.3.21 create_links


This Tcl command creates a link (or links) to a file/files in your project. Specify absolute or relative path and name of the file you want to link. The same file you cannot link to different libraries.

create_links [-convert_EDN_to_HDL "TRUE | FALSE"] \
[-hdl_source_folder "Source folder"]* \
[-library "library"] \
[-hdl_source "file"]* \
[-stimulus "file"]* \
[-edif "file"]* \
[-sdc "file"]* \
[-ndc "file"]* \
[-fp_pdc "file"]* \
[-io_pdc "file"]* \
[-net_fdc "file"]* \
[-verilog_netlist "file"]* \
[-vcd "file"]* \
[-dcf "file"]* \
[-pin "file"]* \
[-crt "file"]* \
[-gcf "file"]*


convert_EDN_to_HDLbooleanUse the -convert_EDN_to_HDL parameter to convert the EDIF file to HDL and then import the converted HDL file. Valid values: TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false. If the –edif option is not specified or the -convert_EDN_to_HDL is used with another option, EDIF to HDL conversion will fail.
hdl_source_folderstringName of the HDL folder you want to link. For unlink folder you must unlink files form folder one by one.
librarystringSpecifies the name of the library where you want to link file. The same file you cannot link different libraries.
hdl_sourcestringName of the HDL file you want to link.
stimulusstringName of the stimulus file you want to link.
edifstringName of the EDIF Netlist file you want to link. It used with convert_EDN_to_HDL option.
sdcstringName of the SDC file you want to link.
ndcstringName of the NDC (Compile Netlist Constraint) file you want to link.
fp_pdcstringName of the Floor Planner PDC file you want to link.
io_pdcstringName of the IO PDC file you want to link.
net_fdcstringName of the FDC (Synplify Netlist Constraint) file you want to link.
vcdstringName of the VCD file you want to link.
verilog_netliststringName of the VM (Synthesized Verilog Netlist) file you want to link.
pinstringName of the PIN file you want to link. (Not supported for PolarFire, SmartFusion 2, IGLOO 2, and RTG4 families).
dcfstringName of the DCF(Timing Constraint Files) file you want to link. (Not supported for PolarFire, SmartFusion 2, IGLOO 2, and RTG4 families).
gcfstringName of the GCF (ProASIC® Constraint Files) file you want to link. (Not supported for PolarFire, SmartFusion 2, IGLOO 2, and RTG4 families).
crtstringName of the CRT (Criticality Files) file you want to link. (Not supported for PolarFire, SmartFusion 2, IGLOO 2, and RTG4 families).

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneError: Parameter 'vhd' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'create_links [-convert_EDN_to_HDL "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-hdl_source_folder "Source folder"]* [-library "library"] \ [-ndc "file"]* [-crt "file"]* \ [-fp_pdc "file"]* [-hdl_source "file"]* \ [-stimulus "file"]* [-io_pdc "file"]* \ [-pin "file"]* [-gcf "file"]* \ [-sdc "file"]* [-net_fdc "file"]* \ [-verilog_netlist "file"]* \ [-dcf "file"]* [-vcd "file"]*
NoneCannot import the 'Timing Constraint Files'; your selected family does not support DCF constraints.
NoneCannot import the 'ProASIC Constraint Files'; your selected family does not support GCF constraints.
NoneCannot import the 'Criticality Files'; your selected family does not support CRT constraints.
NoneCannot import the 'Pin Files'; your selected family does not support PIN constraints.

Supported Families

Supported Families
SmartFusion® 2


  1. Create a link to the file hdl1.v.
    create_links -hdl_source hdl1.v
  2. Link files to the project located at "E:\Share\abc.edn" and "E:\Share\test.v" using Environment variable "MSCC_ROOT_1" that has the root directory path "E:\Share".
    create_links \
    -convert_EDN_to_HDL 0 \
    -library {work} \
    -edif {${MSCC_ROOT_1}/abc.edn} \
    -hdl_source {${MSCC_ROOT_1}/test.v}

See Also