21.3.39 export_interrupt_map

This Tcl command exports the interrupt connectivity map of a chosen SmartDesign to a file. As input, it takes the file path to export the .json file in a particular location and the SmartDesign name for which you want to export the interrupt report.

Tip: This command can be executed for all families without receiving any error messages. However, the exported data might only be of assistance for the PolarFire SoC family.
export_interrupt_map -file {C:\Users\name\Desktop\tmp.json} -sd_name topSD 
        -file : exported file path/name
        -sd_name : SmartDesign name, for which the connectivity map will be constructed


Parameter Type Description
file String Specifies the exported file path/name.
sd_name String Specifies the SmartDesign name, for which the connectivity map will be constructed.
Return Type Description
None None

Error Codes

Error Code Description
Error: SmartDesign 'DesignName' doesn't exist. Please specify a valid SmartDesign component name. When specifying wrong SmartDesign name in the sd_name parameter.
Error: Invalid extension specified for the report. Please specify a valid extension. Valid extension is \'json\'. When the specified file extension is not correct.
Error: The report cannot be exported. Please check the specified file path and write permissions to it. When the file is not possible to open (file path is wrong, we do not have write permission).
Error: Unable to load SmartDesign 'DesignName' model, please provide a valid SmartDesign. When the specified SmartDesign is impossible to load
Error: 'DesignName' is not a SmartDesign component. Please specify a valid SmartDesign component name. When the specified SmartDesign component type is not valid (is test bench, IP core, etc)
Info: Successfully exported Interrupt Map Report file to: \'FileName\'\n". When the JSON file is successfully exported.
Please specify a valid file path and name. If the "File Name" label is empty in pop-up dialog.
Please specify a valid extension (.json) for the report. If the "File Name" label doesn't have correct extension in pop-up dialog.
Please specify a valid SmartDesign component name. If the "SmartDesign Name" label is empty in pop-up dialog.


This example exports the interrupt connectivity map of the chosen SmartDesign to a file.

export_interrupt_map -file {C:\Users\name\Desktop\tmp.json} -sd_name topSD