EOTSB – End of Telegram Status on Path B

This is the status register for the EOT conditions on path B. The RDSIFR.EOTB interrupt flag is set if one of the fail conditions selected in the EOTCB register becomes true in the EOTSB register. The bits in the EOTSB register are set if the corresponding fail condition is detected on the RX path B. The flags are handled by the hardware if the get_rx_telegram state machine is activated (SSMRR.SSMR). In this case the flags are cleared if an activated error condition for RDSIFR.EOTB occurs. This is done automatically by toggling the RDPR.APRPTB bit.
  1. Set R/W access to hardware-controlled read-only mode if the get_rx_telegram state machine is active.
Offset: 0x036
Reset: 0x00

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 7 – EOTAF End Of Telegram on Path A Flag

The bit is set to ‘1’ simultaneously with the RDSIFR.EOTA interrupt flag register. It can be used to set the RDSIFR.EOTB flag based on RDSIFR.EOTA, allowing both paths to be restarted simultaneously. This is useful when the start of telegram condition on path B depends on the wake check OK (RDSIFR.WCOA) of path A. It is cleared if a ‘1’ is written to its position, a ‘1’ is written to the RDSIFR.EOTB interrupt flag, a new value is written to the EOTCB register or the receiving path B is disabled.

Bit 6 – RRFB RSSI Range Fail on Path B

This bit is set if the received signal strength on path B is within the expected range. It is cleared if a ‘1’ is written to its position, a ‘1’ is written to the RDSIFR.EOTB interrupt flag, a new value is written to the EOTCB register or the receiving path B is disabled.

Bit 5 – TELRB Telegram Length Reached on Path B

This bit is set if the target telegram length is reached on path B. It is cleared if a ‘1’ is written to its position, a ‘1’ is written to the RDSIFR.EOTB interrupt flag, a new value is written to the EOTCB register or the receiving path B is disabled.

Bit 4 – TMOFB Time-out Fail on Path B

This bit is set to ‘1’ if a time-out occurs during a wake check OK search on path B or during start of telegram search on path B. For the time-out duration, see the description of the corresponding sequencer state machine registers. Each time-out can be deactivated by setting the duration to ‘0’. It is cleared if a ‘1’ is written to its position, a ‘1’ is written to the RDSIFR.EOTB interrupt flag, a new value is written to the EOTCB register or the receiving path B is disabled.

Bit 3 – MANFB Manchester Coding Failed on Path B

This bit is set if the Manchester coding check failed on path B. It is cleared if a ‘1’ is written to its position, a ‘1’ is written to the RDSIFR.EOTB interrupt flag, a new value is written to the EOTCB register or the receiving path B is disabled.

Bit 2 – SYTFB Symbol Timing Check Failed on Path B

This bit is set if the symbol timing check failed on path B. It is cleared if a ‘1’ is written to its position, a ‘1’ is written to the RDSIFR.EOTB interrupt flag, a new value is written to the EOTCB register or the receiving path B is disabled.

Bit 1 – AMPFB Amplitude Check Failed on Path B

This bit is set if the demodulator amplitude check failed on path B. It is cleared if a ‘1’ is written to its position, a ‘1’ is written to the RDSIFR.EOTB interrupt flag, a new value is written to the EOTCB register or the receiving path B is disabled.

Bit 0 – CARFB Carrier Check Failed on Path B

This bit is set if the carrier check failed on path B. It is cleared if a ‘1’ is written to its position, a ‘1’ is written to the RDSIFR.EOTB interrupt flag, a new value is written to the EOTCB register or the receiving path B is disabled.